Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.—Joel 2.28




Primary Successor to Judas Iscariot &

Enemy to the True Catholic Church of Jesus Christ.

Against Antichrist the Pope of Rome

Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope by the Theologians assembled at Smalcald, 1537.

The Description, Rise, Growth, & Fall of Antichrist: 18 Sermons by Thomas Manton.

Against the Mass, &c.

An Exhortation to the Carrying of Christ’s Cross, with a True and Brief Confutation of False and Papistical Doctrine by John Bradford.

The Lord's Supper: with a refutation of Transubstantiation & the Mass by Zacharius Ursinus

Against other Idolatrous & Superstitious Practices

A Treatise on The Invocation of Saints, and Prayers to Martyrs and Angels, by Patrick Symson, 1615.

Against Rome's False Ecclesiology

On the True Catholic Church: An Answer to a Letter of a Jesuit named Tyrie by John Knox.

Against Romanism & Popery in General

A Sermon against Popery by Thomas Watson

Against Antichristian Persecution

The Church's Prayer against the Antichristian Beast, and her other Enemies, Explained & Enforced by Thomas Boston.

Against the Civil Toleration of Romanist Idolatry

Four Grand Questions Proposed, And Briefly Answered, respecting Christian Magistracy and Toleration