For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2

A   C   T   S
A U T H O R I T Y,
Ecclesiastical   &   Civil,
Respecting the Authorized Version of the Psalter;
To be used by all in both
Publick  and  Family  Worship.

EDINBURGH. 23 Nov, 1649. Postmeridian.

THE Commission of the General Assembly having with great diligence considered the Paraphrase of the Psalms in meter, sent from the Assembly of Divines in England, by our Commissioners, whilst they were there, as it is corrected by former General Assemblies, Committees from them, and now at last by the Brethren deputed by the late Assembly for that purpose: And having exactly examined the same, Do approve the said Paraphrase as it is now compiled: And therefore according to the power given them by the said Assembly, Do appoint it to be printed and published for publick use; Hereby authorizing the same to be the only Paraphrase of the Psalms of David to be sung in the Kirk of Scotland; and discharging the old Paraphrase and any other than this new Paraphrase to be made use of in any Congregation or Family after the first day of May in the year 1650. And for uniformity in this part of the worship of God, do seriously recommend to Presbyteries, to cause make publick intimation of this act, and take special care that the same be timeously put to execution, and duly observed.

A. Ker.

EDINBURGH. 8 Jan. 1650.

THE Committee of Estates having considered the English Paraphrase of the Psalms of David in Meter, presented this day unto them by the Commiss. of the Gen. Assembly, together with their Act, and the Act of the late Assembly, approving the said Paraphrase, and appointing the same to be sung throughout this Kirk. Therefore the Committee doth also approve the said Paraphrase, and interpone their authority for the publishing and practicing thereof: Hereby ordaining the same, and no other to be made use of, throughout this Kingdom according to the tenour of the said Acts of the General Assembly and their Commissioners.

T. Henderson.