For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Select Writings
Minister of the Gospel.
His Life:
The Life of ALEXANDER SHIELDS as related in John Howie’s Biographia Scoticana.
Biographical Note from John Howie’s Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland.
His Sermons & Lectures:
Sermon 1 - preached at Barntable, 1687.12.28. On 2 Corinthians 5.11.
Lecture 1 - given at Lowthers in Crawfordmoor, 1688.03.11. On Revelation 2.12,13.
Sermon 2 - preached at Lowthers in Crawfordmoor, 1688.03.11. On John 3.3,5.
Preface and Lecture preached at Distinckorn-Hill, 1688.04.15. On 1 Sam. 15.13-24.
The Humble Proposals of Alexander Shields to the Remanent Members of the General Assembly.
A Hind let loose,
An Historical Representation of the
Of the Church of Scotland, for the
Interest of Christ.
HEAD V: The Principle of, & Testimony for, Defensive Arms Vindicated.
HEAD VI: The Extraordinary Executing of Judgment by Private Persons Vindicated.