Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish ...
thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.
—Matt. 17.27.



Exhortations, &c.

Modern Covenanter Resources

Recordings of Online Articles and Other Resources.

What is Calvinism?"

By Jeremy T. Kerr.

North Union Reformed Presbyterian Church

A small collection of old audio recordings was found for the North Union R.P. Church, including at least one 7-inch reel with a worship service from the time of Pastor T. James Blair.  With thanks to family members, we make this available online.  The MP3's for Part 1 of the recording include an introduction to Pastor Blair and the North Union Reformed Presbyterian Church, as well as an introduction to Psalm-singing, both by the editor of

North Union Worship Service 1958.03.16

Part 1: Sermon on Psalm 73

North Union Worship Service 1958.03.16

Part 2: Lecture on Revelation 4

The Believer’s Sure Victory, 1920.

Sermon on 2 Tim. 4.7: Read by Pastor Blair in the late 1950’s

The following audio includes modern readings of original printed editions of Pastor Blair’s sermons and publications from the General Meeting of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

From the Published Minutes of the General Meeting, 1916.

Sermon on Matthew 24.44: Preparation for Eternity

From the Published Minutes of the General Meeting, 1917.

Sermon on Zephaniah 3.14,15: The Church’s Happy Days

From the Published Minutes of the General Meeting, 1927.

Sermon on Genesis 16.13: The Divine Omniscience

Church of Scotland — Second Reformation

The following audio includes modern readings of original printed editions of sermons and publications from the Church of Scotland about the time of the Second Reformation (1638-1649.)

From the Select Sermons of Andrew Gray, Pastor at Glasgow.

Sermon 14 on Canticles 3.1: The Christian’s case and exercise in the night of desertion

Sermons of James Durham, Pastor at Glasgow.

Sermon 25 on Isaiah 53.6: All we like sheep have gone astray...

Sermons of James Durham, Pastor at Glasgow.

Sermon 28 on Isaiah 53.7: He was oppressed... he opened not his mouth...

Sermons of James Durham, Pastor at Glasgow.

Sermon 30 on Isaiah 53.8: He was taken from prison... who shall declare his generation?

Sermons of James Durham, Pastor at Glasgow.

Sermon 31 on Isaiah 53.8: He was taken from prison... who shall declare his generation?

From the Choice Collection... Sermons of James Renwick, Pastor to the United Societies.

Sermon 37 on Canticles 1.7: (Middle Section of Sermon)

From the Choice Collection... Sermons of James Renwick, Pastor to the United Societies.

Sermon 37 on Canticles 1.7: (Heading 3 about Christ's Companions)

From Sermons on Important Subjects... by Robert Traill.

Sermon 2 on 1 Peter 1.1-2: (Concerning Election and the Trinity)

Church of Scotland — First Reformation

The following audio includes modern readings of original printed editions of sermons and publications from the Church of Scotland about the time of the First Reformation (1560-1602.)

From the Sermons of Robert Rollock, Pastor at Edinburgh.

Sermon 3 on 2 Cor. 5.9-11: Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him....

From the Sermons of Robert Rollock, Pastor at Edinburgh.

Sermon 13 on Psalm 130.5-8: I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope....

Reformation Documents and Texts

The following audio includes modern readings of documents and literature from the Reformation Era.

Solemn League and Covenant, 1643: Text and Acts of Authority

Solemn League and Covenant, 1643: Text Only

Other Reformed Churches — First Reformation

The following audio includes modern readings of original printed editions of sermons and publications from the Reformed Churches of the First Reformation (1515-1602.)

From the Sermons of Henry Bullinger, Pastor at Zurich.

Sermon 1 on Revelation 1.1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants, etc.

The Christian Church of Ancient Times

The following audio includes modern readings of English translations of writings composed during the early history of the Christian Church.

The Confession of Patrick, Apostle to Ireland, A.D. 455.

The Psalms of Holy Scripture

The following audio includes recordings of the Kerr family singing Psalms from the 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter.

Psalm  91: 1-8.

Psalm  91: 9-16.