Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.—1 Cor. 10.24




Updated 2021.02.20

The following Covenanted Reformed Presbyterian Publications are available. You can contact true_presbyterian@truecovenanter.com for information on obtaining these very valuable works.  Alternatively, several of these publications are available from Pisgah’s Outlook Publications

Paperback Books:

  1. Manton & Gillespie. The True Covenanter’s Primer: A Manual of Guidance & Exhortation on the Spiritual Exercise of Personal Covenanting. This little collection includes writings from Thomas Manton and Patrick Gillespie on Personal Covenanting and Private Vows.  There are also four examples of personal covenanting included in the back of the book.  The instruction will be helpful to those who have read William Guthrie’s Christian’s Great Interest and desire more concrete instruction on the exercise and duty that he presents at the end of his little devotional.  In that regard, this is an ideal companion volume.  The importance of what is presented should not be overlooked by those who desire to see the practice of social and national covenanting revived.  Without a great company of people who are steadfast as personal covenanters, we have little reason to expect a community of people to be steadfast in national or church covenants.  There was both sound theology and strong spirituality behind former reformation efforts.  This volume will help readers ensure they are joining both together, and ready to do their part in the world-transforming work that is yet to be carried on.

    2020 Edition: [Available]

  2. Traill, Robert. The True Gospel Preached: Six Sermons on Galatians 2:21.  Preached about the year 1692, these sermons were first printed in the year 1778/1779, and again in 1810 and 1845. Herein is set forth the Gospel of God's Free and Sovereign Grace in Jesus Christ to unworthy sinners who are so foolishly inclined to set about the seeking of their reconcilation with God by the Law and their own righteousness. Traill also exposes both the extreme wickedness & fearful frequency of those sins contemplated in Galatians 2:21: frustrating the grace of God and making Christ's death to be in vain, in a manner which ought to be convicting even to those who think themselves least guilty of these sins. Here we have that Gospel Doctrine which was so masterfully defended by Traill in his Defence of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification, applied to the conscience in a very serious and soul-searching way.

    2014 Edition: [Available]


  1. Beza, Theodore. A Breife declaration of the chiefe poyntes of the Christian Religion, set forth in a Table. ~With~ A breife summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his providence, comprised in 38 short Aphorismes. The first part of this booklet is taken from the English translation by William Whittingham published in 1575, compared with the later translation of John Stockwood (1581). The work is also known as Beza's Table of Predestination. The second part of this booklet is taken from translation of John Stockwood (1581) that was included in the published collection of works on Predestination & Providence known as The Treasure of Truth.

    2001 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

    2008 Edition: [Available]

  2. Brown, Hugh. Discourses on Scripture Psalmody in Praising God and Against Instrumental Music in Public Worship. Published in 1859, these discourses, by a United Presbyterian pastor from New York, explain and defend many important principles of the Reformed Church in regard to worship, with particular application to the issues of exclusive psalmody and instrumental music, using Scripture, Reason, and the concessions of various adversaries of the Biblical doctrine of God's Worship. They also include much valuable historical information on the practices of both the Catholic church before the Reformation, and that part of the Catholic Church which participated in the Reformation (that is, the Protestant churches.) An appendix is included, containing the Ordinance of the English Parliament (1644) which commanded that all Organs be removed from the Churches throughout England, and required that all persons "at their peril, yield due obedience."

    2002 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

    2012 Edition: [Available]

  3. Guthrie, James. Some Considerations Contributing unto the Discovery of the Dangers that threaten RELIGION, and the Work of REFORMATION in the Church of SCOTLAND. First published in the year 1660, the year before Mr. Guthrie (brother of William Guthrie) was Martyred by Charles II. for his faithfulness to the Cause of Jesus Christ, this edition is retypeset from the edition published by John Howie in 1780 as an appendix to Faithful Contendings Displayed.

    2001 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  4. Kae, Adam. A Sermon Concerning the Believer’s sitting under Christ’s Shadow, Preached from Canticles 2.3. First published in the year 1735 by William Wilson, this edition has been reset with Wilson's introduction and a short sketch of the ministry of Mr. Kae. Both the Introduction and the Sermon contain Gospel addresses pressing upon the reader's conscience the seriousness of making use of Jesus Christ alone as the Saviour from Sin and Divine Vengeance for Sin. This is the only item known to have been published from the one minister of the Church of Scotland who positively opposed bringing Charles II to the throne, before his treacherous intentions were exposed.

    2010 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

    2013 RePrint: [Available]

  5. Luther, Martin. On Trading and Usury, 1524; and The Treatise on Usury, 1519 & 1520. This edition is retypeset from the Philadelphia Edition of The Works of Martin Luther, including the introduction of Charles Jacobs, with corrections, and a new Introduction. This little collection of Luther's publications sheds much light on present economic evils, from a persepective that is plainly Christ-ian, as in, purely conform to the self-sacrificing example and injunctions of our Saviour.

    2009 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  6. Mason, Archibald. Observations, Doctrinal & Practical, on Saving Faith: In Four Parts.  Published in Glasgow, 1829, and again in Pittsburgh, 1844. This edition is retypeset from the edition published in Pittsburgh. Herein is set forth Solid Doctrine and Application respecting Justifying Faith, by a Reformed Presbyterian minister from Scotland.

    2002 Edition: [Available]

  7. Mason, Archibald. Observations on the Public Covenants, Betwixt God and the Church: A Discourse.  Published in Glasgow, 1799, from which edition the present is retypeset. This work constitutes a thorough explanation and defense of the practice of public social covenanting and its implications, both in general, and with reference to the National Covenant of Scotland and Solemn League & Covenant, by a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

    2002 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  8. Traill, Robert. The True Gospel Preached: Six Sermons on Galatians 2:21.  Preached about the year 1692, these sermons were first printed in the year 1778/1779, and again in 1810 and 1845. Herein is set forth the Gospel of God's Free and Sovereign Grace in Jesus Christ to unworthy sinners who are so foolishly inclined to set about the seeking of their reconcilation with God by the Law and their own righteousness. Traill also exposes both the extreme wickedness & fearful frequency of those sins contemplated in Galatians 2:21: frustrating the grace of God and making Christ's death to be in vain, in a manner which ought to be convicting even to those who think themselves least guilty of these sins. Here we have that Gospel Doctrine which was so masterfully defended by Traill in his Defence of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification, applied to the conscience in a very serious and soul-searching way.

    2002 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  9. Willson, Samuel M. Truth.  A Sermon, on Steadfast Adherence to the Distinctive Doctrines of the Church.  First published in 1833, shortly after the sermon was preached in Craftsbury, Vermont.  This sermon explains the duty of the Church to faithfully uphold all the Truth of Holy Scripture, especially the Present Truth, that is assailed by others.  The publication is from the time of the Old Light / New Light controversy in the RPCNA, and includes also the Libel sustained against New Light ministers and elders in 1832, and a Letter from Robert Gibson.

    2012 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  10. Wylie, Samuel B. The Two Sons of Oil: Or, The Faithful Witness for Magistracy & Ministry upon a Scriptural Basis.  First published in 1803, this edition is based on the edition printed by John Torrey in Philadelphia, 1850. This work plainly declares and explains the principles of the Reformed Presbyterian Church respecting both Ecclesiastical and Civil Government, and also the reason why Covenanters do not acknowledge the present civil authority in North America as a lawful or legitimate authority.

    2002 Edition: [Available]

  11. The United Societies. An Informatory Vindication of a Poor, wasted, misrepresented, Remnant of the Suffering, Anti-Popish, Anti-Prelatick, Anti-Erastian, Anti-Sectarian, True Presbyterian Church of Christ in Scotland, &c. &c.  This important document was published in 1687, as a public defence of the principles & practices of the faithful covenanters who refused to comply with the then-present backsliding & apostatizing establishments of Church & State in Scotland, against all the accusations thrown their way by the adversaries of JESUS CHRIST and His Cause at that time. Here is found a clear and accurate statement of the principles of the Covenanters respecting the Institutions of Magistratical & Ministerial Authority, wherein, to this day, though they hold to nothing but that which was affirmed by the Reformed Churches at the time of Reformation, they differ from the main body of those who claim to be Presbyterians, as well as others who go by that name, such as the Seceders or Associate Presbyterians.

    2002 Edition: [Out-of-Print] [2011 Errata Sheet]

  12. The United Societies. The Declaration and Testimony Published at Mount-Herick.  This Testimony, published in 1741, is the last of the various representations of the Covenanter cause emitted by the United Societies prior to the constitution of the Reformed Presbytery in Scotland. Herein the Covenanters of the 1700's assert their Principles on Magistracy and Political Dissent, and defend the same from the accusations of those who sought to oppose the doctrines of the Westminster Confession to the practice of the United Societies. In this declaration the Covenanters assert their adherence to the various declarations of the United Societies in earlier generations, as well as their "Publick and Solemn Covenanting with God at Auchensaugh with Confession of Sins and Engagement to Duties." Also discussed are other dissenting Presbyterian groups of the time, such as the Seceders, and those who published the Linlithgow Declaration in 1740.

    2008 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  13. The Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America. A Reformed Presbyterian Testimony against the U.S. Constitution and the Moral Evils thereof. Published in Overture by Authority of Synod in 1839, this Testimony was printed in issues of the Reformed Presbyterian Magazine. Intended as part of the RPCNA's "Argumentative Testimony", the document ably demonstrates the infidel nature of the U.S. Constitution and the illegitimacy of the "government" founded therein. This document does not discuss particulars of Political Dissent, but does handle its subject thoroughly.

    2008 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

    2009 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

    2018 Edition: [Available]

  14. The Reformed Presbytery of Scotland. An Explanation and Defence of the Terms of Communion, adopted by the Community of Dissenters; Together with an Introduction, Containing Some Remarks on the Propriety of Terms of Communion in General.  First published in 1801, this work provides a short defence of the use of Terms of Communion, as well as a defence of those terms of communion adopted by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland and later by the Reformed Presbytery constituted in America in 1840.

    2002 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

  15. The Reformed Presbytery of Scotland. A Pastoral Letter to the Old Dissenters, Concerning Family & Social Duties.  First published in 1808, this letter provides a pastoral and presbyterial exhortation to the duties of Family Worship and of Private Christian Fellowship, with several of the scriptural arguments which demonstrate the necessity of these duties.  Family Worship is urged as a duty for both morning and evening.  Society Meetings are urged as necessary even when Public Worship with regular preaching is available.  Includes an extract from the Minutes of Presbytery.

    2013 Edition: [Out-of-Print]

Other publications are planned for future release and are currently in preparation.