... Howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God...—Joel 1.13




The National Covenant of Scotland as Originally Subscribed, 1580.

The National Covenant of Scotland as Renewed during the Second Reformation

The Solemn League & Covenant of Scotland, England, & Ireland

Various other Covenants

About the Covenants & Covenanting

The Solemn League & Covenant: An Exhortation by the Westminster Assembly

Discourse Concerning the Covenants by Alexander Craighead

Observations on the Public Covenants by Archibald Mason

HEPHZIBAH BEULAH: Our Covenants, The National & Solemn League; and Covenanting by J. W. Shaw

Reformation Principles Re-Exhibited: To the Reader by John Howie

The Nature, Solemnity, Grounds, Property, & Benefits of a Sacred Covenant by Joseph Caryl

The Great Danger of Covenant-Refusing and Covenant-Breaking by Edmund Calamy

The Duty of Covenanting and the Permanent Obligations of Religious Covenants by William Roberts

The Descending Obligation of the British Covenants by James Dick

Judah’s Joy at the Oath: A Sermon on occasion of the Parliamentary Covenant in England, 1641, by John Geree

Of Lawful Oaths and Vows by David Dickson

A Solemn Discourse upon the Grand Covenant by John Saltmarsh

Faithful Testimonies for the Covenants

Protestation of the Noblemen, &c. Subscribers of the Confession of Faith and Covenant, 1638.07.04.

The Informatory Vindication of the True Presbyterian Church of Scotland

A Testimony to the Covenanted Work of Reformation by Samuel Rutherford

Renewal of the Covenants... and a Testimony... Middle Octorara, Pennsylvania, 1743

The Humble Proposals of Alexander Shields to the General Assembly, 1690.

The Just Complaint and Remonstrance of the Covenants, to the Church of Scotland, 1710.

A Testimony for Public Covenanting—RPCNA overture, 1839.

Covenant Renovation

Renewal of the Covenants... and a Testimony... Middle Octorara, Pennsylvania, 1743.

Introduction & Appendix to the Auchensaugh Renovation by Thomas Henderson.

A Solemn Acknowledgement of Publick Sins and ... Engagement to ... Duties, etc. 1648.

The Renovation of the Covenants at Dervock, Ireland, 1853.

Personal Covenanting

Some Observations on Personal Covenanting from a Sermon by Thomas Manton.

The Covenant of Grace is Particlar and Personal from a Treatise by Patrick Gillespie.

Two Sermons on Personal Covenanting by Thomas Manton.

The Personal Covenants of John Howie excerpted from his Memoirs, 1796.

A Personal Covenant of Anabel Umpherston excerpted from Passages in the Lives of Helen Alexander and James Currie, 1869.

A Personal Covenant of William McNeil excerpted from Passages in the Lives of Helen Alexander and James Currie, 1869.

Concerning Testimony-Bearing:

Analysis of the Preface to Reformation Principles Exhibited - Correspondence between David Steele and James M. Willson.

Historical Testimony: An Article from The Original Covenanter.

Have Free-Churchmen Embraced the Testimony of the Scottish Martyrs? by Stewart Bates, RPCS.

Covenant-Breaking & the Consequences thereof:

The Great Danger of Covenant-Refusing and Covenant-Breaking by Edmund Calamy

Israel's Second Bondage: Excerpts from a Commentary on the book of Judges by Peter Martyr Vermigli

The Pittsburgh Covenant of 1871, and the Consequences of Covenant-Breaking through Covenant-Displacement: Observations and Contendings by various Reformed Presbyterians