Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.—2 Thess 2.15
The True Lutheran
A true Lutheran should be a follower of Luther “even as he also is of Christ” (1 Cor. 11.1)—thus holding to the faith of Luther when Luther holds to the faith of Christ, and not holding to the faith of Luther where Luther differs from the faith of Christ—unlike our modern “Lutherans.”
Martin Luther on the Regulative Principle of Worship
Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will
Martin Luther on Trusting in God for things Temporal and Spiritual—2 Sermons
A Sermon on How Christ is the True Shepherd, from John 10.11-16.
A Sermon Giving Warning to Beware of False Prophets, from Matthew 7:15-23.
A Sermon concerning Anger and its Signs, from Matthew 5.20-26.
Martin Luther on Trade and Usury
Martin Luther's Treatise Against the Antinomians
Martin Luther against Festival Days ("Holy-Days")
Martin Luther and singing the Psalms
Martin Luther's Sermon on Christian Love
A Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope by the Theologians at Smalcald, 1537.
A Letter from John Bugenhagen of Pomerania (Pomeranus) to the Protestants of England, 1536.
Johann Gerhard's Sacred Meditations - Excerpts
Popular Amusements: A Discourse by Cha's Porterfield Krauth, 1852.
J.R. Sikes' Sermon against Dancing (Former External Link Broken.)