For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Salvation by Grace Alone,
Founded on God's Electing Love and Eternal Purpose,
Accomplished by JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God.
The Good News of Salvation in General
Honey-Drops or Crystal Streams - by David Dickson
"Patrick's Places" by Patrick Hamilton - an early reformation treatise of Law & Gospel, Faith & Works.
What is Calvinism?—a short tract summarizing the "Calvinist" or Reformed / Presbyterian Religion - the True Religion.
The Judgment of the Synod Holden at Dort Concerning the five Articles. ("The Canons of Dort")
Five Points of Gospel Truth Asserted & Defended.
The Fall & Sin
The Covenant of Works a Sermon from The Morning Exercise Methodized
Of the Violation of the Covenant of Works on the Part of Man by Herman Witsius, from his Economy of the Covenants Between God & Man
Sermon by Johannes VanderKemp on Ecclesiastes 7.29, titled "The First Cause of Good and Evil"
Therapeutica Sacra: Chapter 5: The Covenant of Works by David Dickson
The Judgment of the Synod of Dort: Head 3 - of Man's Corruption
Canons on Hereditary Corruption and Immediately Imputed Sin, from Formula Consensus Helvetica, 1675
Of Christ
The Divinity of Christ by a Student, excerpted from The Original Covenanter.
Of the Proper Divinity of our Blessed Redeemer by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1793.
Christ: Life and Light by Charles Clyde, excerpted from The Original Covenanter.
A Sermon: The Believer Sitting under Christ's Shadow by Adam Kae.
On the Mediatorial Dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
Christ’s Exclusive Headship over the Church by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
Christ’s Headship over the Nations by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
On Christ’s Incarnation, a Discourse by Archibald Mason on 1 Timothy 3.16.
A Sermon on the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, by John Calvin, on Luke 2.1-14.
Of Christ and His Office, from the “Principles” of Theodore Beza and Anthony Faius.
Of Redemption
On the Building of Mercy by Archibald Mason.
Why it was necessary our Redemption should be by way of Justice: A Sermon by Anthony Burgess.
Covenant of Redemption
Ark of the Covenant Opened: Chapter 1 by Patrick Gillespie
Ark of the Covenant Opened: Chapter 2 - The Necessity of the Covenant by Patrick Gillespie
Ark of the Covenant Opened: Chapter 3 by Patrick Gillespie
The Covenant of Redemption by Alexander Peden
Therapeutica Sacra: Chapter 4 by David Dickson
Covenant of Grace
Therapeutica Sacra: Chapter 6 by David Dickson
My Lord, and My God Excerpts from a Sermon by Thomas Manton
Two Sermons on Personal Covenanting by Thomas Manton
Of the Covenant of God by Zacharias Ursinus, from his Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism
The Covenant of Grace is Particular and Personal by Patrick Gillespie, from his Treatise on the Covenant of Grace
Of Faith
The Trial and Triumph of Faith by Samuel Rutherford
Of Saving Faith - from David Dickson's "Truth's Victory Over Error"
True Faith - From Johann Gerhard's Sacred Meditations
Of Justification
Justification by Faith Alone by John Welch, an Excerpt from his Reply to Gilbert Brown
A Treatise of Justification by Faith Only by Patrick Symson, taken from his Short Compend of the Arian and Eutychian Persecutions.
The True Doctrine of Justification: Sermon 29 by Anthony Burgess — That a Believer’s Righteousness is Imputed.
The True Doctrine of Justification: Sermon 30 by Anthony Burgess — Imputation of Righteousness Demonstrated.
See Robert Traill's Six Sermons on Galatians 2.21. and Defense of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification.
Of Justification - from David Dickson's "Truth's Victory Over Error"
A Sermon entitled The Justification of the Sinner before God by Johannes VanderKemp
A Sermon entitled The Doctrine of Justification Defended by Johannes VanderKemp
Of Justification by Zacharias Ursinus, from his Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism
Of Justification by Herman Witsius, from his Economy of the Covenants Between God & Man
A Sermon on Justification by Walter Marshall
A Sermon on Justification by Thomas Boston
A Discourse on Justification by Faith by Jonathan Dickinson
Of Predestination & Election
Predestination & the Decrees of God - Three Lectures by Presbyterian Covenanter Hugh Binning
"The Bondage of the Will" by Martin Luther
The Chief Points of the Christian Religion, set forth in a Table of Predestination by Theodore Beza
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination by Jerome Zanchius
Of God's Eternal Decree - from David Dickson's "Truth's Victory Over Error"
A Brief Treatise of Predestination by Anthony Gylbie
The Judgment of the Synod of Dort: Head 1 - of Predestination
Notes Appertaining to the Matter of Election by John Fox
Of the Decrees of God by Thomas Boston
Of Election to Everlasting Life by Thomas Boston
A Commentary on Romans Nine by William Twisse, DD.
Of the Church, Predestined to Life, and Forgiven by Zacharias Ursinus, from his Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism
A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints by Aurelius Augustin
Of Election by Herman Witsius, from his Economy of the Covenants Between God & Man
A Sermon entitled The Church of God, and Her Benefits in this Life by Johannes VanderKemp
38 Aphorisms against Castalio relating to Predestination & Providence by Theodore Beza (Stockwood Translation)
29 Propositions against Castalio relating to Predestination & Providence by Theodore Beza (Knox Translation)
A Sermon on Creation, Providence, and Predestination by Henry Bullinger
A Name in Heaven the Truest Ground of Joy by Matthew Mead
The the New Birth and Efficacious Grace
The Hammer of Arminianism: Demonstrating that God in Converting and Changing a Sinner, works after an Omnipotent, Efficacious, and Irresistible Manner by Anthony Burgess
The Perseverance of the Saints
A Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance by Aurelius Augustin
The Judgment of the Synod of Dort: Head 5 - of Perseverance of the Saints
The Gospel Offer
Of the Gospel Offer: Chapter 8 of the Reformed Presbyterian "Declaration & Testimony" of 1806
Three Sermons on the Invitation of the Gospel by Hugh Binning
Law & Gospel
A Treatise Against the Antinomians by Dr. Martin Luther
Propositions Concerning Sanctification, from the “Principles” of Theodore Beza and Anthony Faius.
Keeping God’s Commandments Perfectly by Thomas Vincent
Man’s Inability to Keep the Moral Law Perfectly by Thomas Watson
A Letter on Christian Perfection by James M’Kinney
Assurance of Salvation
Assurance of an Interest in Christ, by the Marks and Fruits of Sanctification by George Gillespie
The True Christian Characterized from The Reformed Presbyterian
How the Convert may know and be Certain of his Justification by David Dickson
Against Arminianism
The Arminian Heresie Nipt in the Bud by Alexander Henderson, David Dickson, & Andrew Ramsay
A Scotch Antidote against the English Infection of Arminianism by Robert Baillie
Argument on the Arminian Controversy: RPCNA Overture by Moses Roney.
The Canterburians Self-Conviction: Chapter 2: Their Avowed Arminianism by Robert Baillie
The Hammer of Arminianism: Demonstrating that God in Converting and Changing a Sinner, works after an Omnipotent, Efficacious, and Irresistible Manner by Anthony Burgess
Places of Scripture seeming to favour Universal Atonement, Vindicated by Samuel Rutherford
Arminianism—Another Gospel by William MacLean
A Letter on Christian Perfection by James M’Kinney
Against Antinomianism
A Treatise Against the Antinomians by Dr. Martin Luther
A Blow at the Root of Antinomianism by John Flavel
The “Marrow” Controversy
Some Remarks on the Marrow of Modern Divinity by John Howie of Lochgoin
Contrast Between the Doctrines of the Marrowmen and the Anti-Marrowmen