For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
The Christian Doctrine of Magistracy, or Civil Government, in General.
Civil Government the Moral Ordinance of God by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
Truth’s Victory Over Error, chapter 23: Of the Civil Magistrate, by David Dickson.
The Duties of Citizens and the Duties of Dissenters, by David Scott, 1841.
The Authority & Duty of the Magistrate in the Matters of Religion.
Christ’s Headship over the Nations by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
The Subjection of the Nations to God and to Christ by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
The Proper Duties of Civil Rulers in Matters of Religion by William Sloane.
The Magistrate’s Duty to Hunt the Little Foxes, an Excerpt from Sermon 22 on Canticles by Theodore Beza.
Four Grand Questions Proposed, & Briefly Answered, respecting Christian Magistracy and Toleration.
A Sermon by John Calvin on 1 Timothy 2.1-2, concerning the Duty of Civil Rulers to Enforce and Defend the True Religion and True Godliness in their Realms by drawing out the sword against all Heretics and others who trouble the Church, and by strictly punishing whoredom, drunkenness, dancing, stageplays, &c.
The First Parliament of King James VI., 1567. -- First Reformation example of the National Establishment of the Reformed Religion.
Acts of Parliament in Second-Reformation England Against Blasphemy & Heresy, 1646 & 1648.
A Christian Nation by Tom Reid, 1992.
A Sermon by Anthony Burgess titled, The Reformation of the Church to be Endeavoured more than that of the Commonwealth, 1645.
Defence of the Reformed Presbyterian Doctrine of Political Dissent.
A Letter anent Civil Government and Political Dissent by John McMillan III
The Declaration and Testimony Published at Mount-Herick, near Crawfurd-John, 1741.
On the Right and Duty of Dissent from an immoral Constitution of Civil Government by William Roberts, excerpted from The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.
The Principles of Covenanters Concerning Magistracy— excerpted from Plain Reasons for Presbyterians Dissenting by Andrew Clarkson, 1731.
Objections and Answers Concerning Magistracy, Dissent, and Resistance— excerpted from Plain Reasons for Presbyterians Dissenting as revised by John Howie of Lochgoin, 1787.
Act, Declaration, and Testimony — Part 3 by the Reformed Presbytery (Argument for Magistracy as an Ordinance of God defined by his Law.)
Truth. A Sermon on Steadfast Adherence to the Distinctive Doctrines of the Church by Samuel Willson (RPCNA, Defence of Old-Light Position, 1833.)
A Testimony against the U.S. Constitution—RPCNA, 1839.
The U.S. Constitution Weighed in the Balance from The Reformed Presbyterian, 1843.
Argument for the Jury Law—explains why the RPCNA forbid members to serve on Juries in the USA, 1834.
The Position of the Reformed Presbyterian Church with Regard to the American Government—An Article from The Reformed Presbyterian, 1857.
How Superior Powers Ought to be Obeyed: Chapter 9 — Objections answered from the New Testament, including Romans 13 by Christopher Goodman, 1558.
A Discourse on the Words of Paul, Romans 13, Enjoining Obedience to Higher Powers by Algernon Sydney, c. 1683.
Explanation of When it is Sinfully Wrong to Vote — as in the present USA.
Reasons Against Voting in America: A Father’s Direction to his Son—An Article from The Reformation Advocate, 1874.
The Duties of Citizens and the Duties of Dissenters, by David Scott, 1841.
The Presidential Contest—An Article from The Reformed Presbyterian, 1856.
Why Not Voters!—An Article from The Reformation Advocate, 1874.
National Covenanting.
[See the Anti-Toleration page.]
Against Erastianism.
A Declinature, Declining the Authority of King and Council in Matters Spiritual, by David Black, 1596.
A Vindication of such as Scruple to Hear and Own the Indulged by John Brown of Wamphray, 1678.
Against Unlawful Civil Associations.
A Lecture and Sermon Concerning Jehoshaphat's Association with Ahab, by Donald Cargill.
The Testimony ... Respecting Military Associations with the Wicked and Profane, by William Milroy.
Concerning Unlawful Taxations.
Refusing to Pay the Wicked Exactions of the Cess, Locality, Fines, etc. (excerpt from Hind Let Loose,) by Alexander Shields.
A Case of Conscience (Regarding Taxation) from The Original Covenanter, 1878, by David Steele.
Concerning Extraordinary Acts of Judgment.
The Extraordinary Executing of Judgment by Private Persons Vindicated, (excerpt from Hind Let Loose,) by Alexander Shields.
Five Sermons about Ehud's Deliverance of Israel from Moab, on Judges 3.10 - 4.1, by Richard Rogers.
“Was the Bishop’s Death Murder?” from The Reformed Presbyterian, 1860.
Practical Application—works relating to specific events.
1650—Sad and Serious Political Considerations, etc. — Concerning Oliver Cromwell’s Usurpation and War against Presbyterians in Scotland and the offensive Thanksgiving appointed to celebrate national sins.
1650—Rulers Sins the Causes of National Judgments by Patrick Gillespie - A Sermon preached 1650.12.26.
1707—The Protestation and Testimony against the Incorporating Union with England - 1707
1715—The Declaration, Protestation, and Testimony ... Published against ... George—1715.
1718—The Declaration Published at Auchensaugh nigh Dowglass, 1718.