2014.12.31 |
Reformed Presbytery |
Act ... for a Public Fast, with the Causes thereof, 1784.
2014.12.27 |
Archibald Mason |
A Discourse on Christ’s Incarnation, from 1 Timothy 3.16.
2014.12.16 |
John Calvin |
A Sermon on the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, from Luke 2.1-14.
2014.12.13 |
England & Scotland |
The Declaration of England and Scotland, joined in Arms for the Defence of their Religion, etc. 1643/1644.
2014.11.29 |
Anthony Burgess |
Why it was necessary our Redemption should be by way of Justice.
2014.11.22 |
Jeremy Kerr |
Notes on Augustine's Of True Religion.
2014.10.25 |
Johann Gerhard |
Meditations 27: The Wiles of the Devil.
2014.10.21 |
Robert Rollock |
Lecture 54 on the Resurrection, etc. of Christ: The Commission and Promises given to the Ministry of the Church.
2014.10.02 |
Martin Luther |
A Sermon Giving Warning to Beware of False Prophets, from Matthew 7:15-23.
2014.08.30 |
John Lynd |
The Relation Between the Distinctive Principles of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and Personal Religion.
2014.08.23 |
Archibald Mason |
On the Building of Mercy, A Discourse on Psalm 89.2.
2014.08.16 |
Martin Luther |
A Sermon Concerning Anger and its Signs, from Matthew 5.20-26.
2014.08.09 |
The Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ireland |
The Renovation of the Covenants, National and Solemn League, at Dervock, Ireland, 1853.
2014.06.30 |
The Reformed Presbyterian Churches |
A Summary of Christian Practice
2014.06.04 |
The Reformed Presbyterian |
Ministerial Qualifications
2014.05.14 |
Martin Luther |
A Sermon on How Christ is the True Shepherd, from John 10.11-16.
2014.05.03 |
South-Central PA R.P. Societies |
A Public Warning Concerning Jim Dodson of Pennsylvania and his Pretensions to a Ministerial Calling.
2014.04.29 |
Jeremy Kerr |
Index Page and Bio Sketch for the Editor.
2014.04.03 |
Patrick Gillespie |
The Ark of the Testament Opened, P. 2. C. 8. — The Covenant of Grace is Particular and Personal.
2014.03.31 |
T. James Blair |
The Present War, Its Cause and Issue - A Christian View of World War I.
2014.03.17 |
The Reformed Presbyterian |
“Was the Bishop’s Death Murder?”
2014.02.20 |
William Roberts |
The Subjection of the Nations to God and to Christ from the R.P. Catechism.
2014.02.14 |
David Dickson |
Of Lawful Oaths and Vows from Truth’s Victory over Error.
2014.02.06 |
William Roberts |
Christ’s Headship over the Nations from the R.P. Catechism.
2014.02.03 |
T. James Blair |
The Church’s Happy Days - On the Millennium from Zeph. 3.14,15.
2014.02.03 |
T. James Blair |
Audio reading of Sermon on Zephaniah 3.14,15.
2014.01.28 |
David Steele |
The Testimony and the Law ~ On Psalm 78.5.
2014.01.27 |
Matthew Murray |
The Millennium — Sermon Published at Glasgow in 1879.
2014.01.25 |
Thomas Melville Slater |
Plain Words about the Theater from Christian Nation.
2014.01.24 |
William Roberts |
Civil Government the Moral Ordinance of God from the R.P. Catechism.
2014.01.21 |
Andrew Gray |
Sermon on Canticles 3.1: The Christian’s case and exercise in the night of desertion.
2014.01.15 |
The Reformation Advocate |
2014.01.15 |
Thomas Brainerd |
A Lecture on the Nature and Tendency of the Stage.
2014.01.09 |
William Roberts |
The Supreme Authority of the Scriptures in the Church from the R.P. Catechism.