For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Commended to all those who Desire to have
Opened to them
Not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but
In demonstration of the Spirit and of Power.
1 Corinthians 2.4.
Because whenever the Lord answers the prayers of his Church, and sends us bold and faithful preachers as advocates of true godliness and zealous reformation, they do not make void the helpfulness of the messengers He gave his Church in former ages, nor can they find it an easy task to pursue the right course without the aid of these who have gone before them, therefore the following are provided for all Christians — preachers too — for their edification and guidance in the Lord’s good way during these dark and stumbling times.
A Sermon by Edmund Calamy on 1 Samuel 4.13, concerning the Ark in Danger
Sermons Delivered in Times of Persecution collected by John Howie
A Sermon Concerning the Believer's sitting under Christ's Shadow, from Canticles 2.3, by Adam Kae
The Relation between Distinctive Principles and Personal Religion, by John Lynd
"Lectures" by Hugh Binning on the Common Principles of the Christian Religion
Three Sermons on the Invitation of the Gospel by Hugh Binning
Two Sermons by Persecuted Covenanter Alexander Peden with Bio.
Sermon 29 by Anthony Burgess on Justification: That a Believer’s Righteousness is Imputed.
Sermon 30 by Anthony Burgess on Justification: Imputation of Righteousness Demonstrated.
Sermon 97 by Anthony Burgess on Spiritual Refining: The Hammer of Arminianism; on Efficacious Grace.
Sermon Concerning Death by Andrew Gray
Sermons and Lectures by Richard Cameron from Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland
Sermons and Lectures by Donald Cargill from Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland
Sermons and Lecture by Alexander Shields from Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland
17 Sermons by William Guthrie from Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland
Additional Sermons by William Guthrie from other sources.
Sermons 13 from James Durham's Sermons on Isaiah 53 (this on verse 1.b.)
Sermon at the Ordination of Alexander Marshal on 1 Cor. 3.9, by Thomas Nairn
Flee also the Lusts of Youth by Robert Bruce
A Sermon on Preparation for Eternity, from Matthew 24.44, by T. James Blair, 1916.
A Sermon on the Day of Judgment, from 2 Cor. 5.10, by T. James Blair, 1924.
A Sermon on Charity, from Eccl. 11.1, with a Lecture on Rev. 19.1-11, by T. James Blair, 1926.
A Sermon on the Day of Judgment and the Duty of Ministers, from 2 Cor. 5.10,11, by John Welch of Irongray.
A Demonstration of the Day of Judgment: A Sermon from Acts 17.31, by Anthony Burgess.
The Reformation of the Church to be Endeavoured more than that of the Commonwealth: A Sermon from Judges 6.27-29, by Anthony Burgess.
4 Sermons on Isaiah 38, upon the Song that Hezekiah made after he had been sick, and afflicted by the hand of God, useful to instruct those who are under affliction in how they ought to call upon the Lord for deliverance, as well as to instruct those who have been delivered in how they ought to give glory to God so as to make his mercies to be remembered for all time to come.
A Sermon by John Calvin on how women ought to conduct themselves and how all of us in general must take heed to live righteously that the Gospel be not blasphemed on account of our misconduct (on Titus 2:3-5.)
A Sermon by John Calvin on Deuteronomy 2:26-37, concerning God's sovereign Providence, and his Righteousness in Hardening the Hearts of Sinners by Effectual Error, as well as commanding the slaughter of nations rebelling against his will.
A Sermon by John Calvin on Deuteronomy 4:44-5:3, concerning the Holy Law of God, as it was given to the People of Israel in a Covenant, uniting them to him as his People, and standing to the present day as a most Perfect Doctrine to give Pure Light to all the children of God.
A Sermon by John Calvin respecting Men's & Women's Apparel, Cruelty to Animals & Men, and Love to our Neighbours (on Deuteronomy 22:5-8.)
A Sermon by John Calvin concerning Elihu's prudence in listening unto his elders before presuming to speak his own thoughts, wherein are to be found sundry reproofs of young men, who, not minding to flee youthful lusts, are given over to an overgreat fondness of themselves and their own wisdom (on Job 32:4-10.)
A Sermon by John Calvin on 1 Timothy 2:9-11, against Ambition and Pride, overturning the very order of nature in (1) the immodest appareling of men & women, especially the latter with their painting of their faces, decking themselves with gold & jewels, going about in public with their heads uncovered, and clothing themselves in all manner of gorgeous and over-brave apparel; as well as in (2) all usurping of authority without an express call from God, contrary to his very commandment, whether by men or women.
A Sermon by John Calvin on 1 Timothy 2:12-14, concerning (1) the right use of authority and (2) the original sin of our first father & mother, all tending to promote that godly humility which ought to be exhibited in the life of every Christian man & woman.
A Sermon by John Calvin on 1 Timothy 2:13-15, concerning the true calling of women, the honourableness of housewifery before God, and the purity of God's ordinance of marriage; and likewise shewing the blasphemy and horrible sins into which those fall who despise this blessed vocation.
A Sermon by John Calvin on 1 Timothy 3:1-4, concerning the qualifications for Shepherds in the Church, wherein is discovered the difference between the Popish Clergy with their wicked Hierarchy, and the true Church of Jesus Christ with the faithful ministers thereof.
A Sermon by James Guthrie: The Great Danger of Backsliding and Defection From Covenanted Reformation Principles (on Isaiah 57.13,14.)
A Sermon by James Guthrie: Being the last Sermon he preached in the Pulpit of Stirling, before his Martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1661 (on Matthew 14:22-24.)
The Bishops Doom by Alexander Henderson
Judah’s Joy at the Oath—Relating to the Covenant of 1641, by John Geree.
A Sermon entitled The First Cause of Good and Evil by Johannes VanderKemp
A Sermon entitled The Church of God, and Her Benefits in this Life by Johannes VanderKemp
A Sermon entitled The Justification of the Sinner before God by Johannes VanderKemp
A Sermon entitled The Doctrine of Justification Defended by Johannes VanderKemp
A Sermon on Christ's Example to Children who would be Christians towards their Parents by John Flavel
Five Sermons about Ehud's Deliverance of Israel from Moab, on Judges 3.10 - 4.1, by Richard Rogers
19 Sermons at the Robert Traill Homepage
A Sermon on Justification by Walter Marshall
A Discourse on Justification by Faith by Jonathan Dickinson
David Clarkson's Sermon "Public Worship to be Preferred before Private"
A Sermon on Creation, Providence, and Predestination by Henry Bullinger
Sermon 1 on the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ by Henry Bullinger
Sermon 2 on the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ by Henry Bullinger
A Sermon on the Holy Catholic Church by Henry Bullinger
Rulers Sins the Causes of National Judgments by Patrick Gillespie
The Faithful and Wise Servant by John M'Millan II.
The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven by John Fairley
God's Anatomy upon Man's Heart by Thomas Watson [References to SL&C]
The Saint's Spiritual Delight by Thomas Watson
A Sermon against Popery by Thomas Watson
Attachment to Zion: A Sermon on Psalm 137.5,6, by J.W. Shaw (RPCNA, 1852.)
Sermons from The Morning Exercise Methodized by several Ministers of London
Martin Luther on Christian Love or "Charity" (1 Corinthians 13)
Martin Luther on Trusting in God for things Temporal and Spiritual - 2 Sermons
Martin Luther on How Christ is the True Shepherd - A Sermon from John 10.11-16: Distinguishes good pastors and their helpful preaching from bad pastors and their unsuitable preaching.
Martin Luther’s Warning to Beware of False Prophets - A Sermons on Matthew 7:15-23.
A Sermon Against the Theater by Samuel Miller
For Christ's Crown & Covenant!