... Howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God...—Joel 1.13
The Being and Nature of God
The Name of God, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
The Eternity and Unchangeableness of God, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
What God Is to Us, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
What God Is, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
Of God, and of the Holy Trinity, from David Dickson’s Truth’s Victory.
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity
The Unity of the Divine Essence and the Trinity of Persons, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
The Unity of the Godhead and the Trinity of Persons, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
Of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1793.
Of God, and of the Holy Trinity, from David Dickson’s Truth’s Victory.
A Sermon on the Catholick Faith by Basil of Cæsarea.
The Divinity of Christ, published in the Original Covenanter, 1880.
Of the Proper Divinity of our Blessed Redeemer by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1793.
Of Christ the Mediator, from David Dickson’s Truth’s Victory.
Concerning the Personal Union of the Two Natures in Christ by Theodore Beza and Anthony Faius, 1586.
Of Creation (1), a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
Of Creation (2), a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
Of the Creation of Man, a Lecture by Hugh Binning.
Of the Work of Creation, a Sermon by Thomas Boston.
Of Creation, from David Dickson’s Truth’s Victory.
The Creation, a Sermon by T. James Blair.
Many items relating to man’s Fall into Sin, the Redemption & Salvation of Sinners, Predestination, Justification, &c. are available at the TrueCovenanter Gospel page.
Of the Resurrection
Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead, from David Dickson’s Truth’s Victory.
In General
Propositions and Principles of Divinity: Chapters 1-13, concerning God, the Trinity, the Attributes of God, his Providence, Creation, and Angels.
A Short Catechism for Young Children, by John Brown of Haddington.