Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish ...
thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.
—Matt. 17.27.



The Family in General

Parental Instruction from The Reformed Presbyterian, 1840.

Concerning Inattention to the Training up of Children by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1805.

A Sermon on the Fifth Commandment by Thomas Boston.

Truth’s Victory over Error: Of Marriage and Divorce by David Dickson.

Christ’s Example to Children who would be Christians towards their Parents by John Flavel.

The Proper Roles & Offices of Man and Woman

A Sermon on Deuteronomy 22.5-8 by John Calvin: Explains the distinction between Men’s and Women’s Apparel.

A Sermon on 1 Tim. 2.9-11 by John Calvin: Explains the danger of ambition with its evident Marks and Badges.

A Sermon on 1 Tim. 2.12-14 by John Calvin: Discusses Authority and how Humility is essential to the proper conduct of Man and Woman.

A Sermon on 1 Tim. 2.13-15 by John Calvin: Presents the True Calling of Women and Honourableness of Housewifery, etc.

A Sermon on Titus 2.3-5 by John Calvin: Describes how Men and Women must conduct themselves to maintain the Honour of the Gospel.

The Duty of Family Worship

Of Family Worship, a Chapter from a book on Prayer by John Brown of Wamphray.

Family Worship, an Article published by the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1914.

Directions of General Assembly relating to Family Worship.

On Family and Social Duties, a Pastoral Letter of the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1808.

Family Problems

Anti-Family Disorder in the United States of America collected from the Reformed Presbyterian Church, (Dissenters,) 1887-1915.