For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Select Writings
Minister of the Gospel
And Battlefield-Martyr.
His Life:
The Life of RICHARD CAMERON as related in John Howie’s Biographia Scoticana.
Biographical Note from John Howie’s Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland.
A Short Relation concerning Mr. Richard Cameron taken from The Cloud of Witnesses.
His Sermons & Lectures:
Lecture 1 — given at Kirkmahoe. On Matthew 18.1-17.
Preface & Sermon 2 - preached 1680.05.20. On Hosea 13.9-10.
Preface & Lecture 2. On Psalm 92.
Sermon 3 — preached at or near Shawhead, 1680.05.30. On John 5.40.
Sermon 4 — preached at or near Shawhead, 1680.05.30. On John 5.40.
Sermon 6 — preached on Kype Water in Avondale, 1680.07.18. On Psalm 46.10.
His Testimony & Martyrdom:
An Account of the Battle at Airsmoss by David Hackston.
The Bond of Mutual Defence found upon Mr. Cameron when he was killed.
The Vision; or, The Cameronian’s Dream.
Related Documents:
A Proclamation Declaring Mr. Richard Cameron, and others, Rebels and Traitors, &c.
Documents Relating to the Indulgences:
Act anent the Supremacy, 1669.
The Second (English) Indulgence, 1672.
Instructions for Regulating the Indulgence from Charles II, 1680.