For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2

Select Writings



Minister of the Gospel

And Battlefield-Martyr.

His Life:

The Life of RICHARD CAMERON as related in John Howie’s Biographia Scoticana.

Biographical Note from John Howie’s Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland.

A Short Relation concerning Mr. Richard Cameron taken from The Cloud of Witnesses.

His Sermons & Lectures:

Lecture 1 — given at Kirkmahoe.  On Matthew 18.1-17.

Sermon 1.  On Canticles 3.3.

Preface & Sermon 2 - preached 1680.05.20.  On Hosea 13.9-10.

Preface & Lecture 2.  On Psalm 92.

Sermon 3 — preached at or near Shawhead, 1680.05.30.  On John 5.40.

Sermon 4 — preached at or near Shawhead, 1680.05.30.  On John 5.40.

Preface & Sermon 5 - preached in the parish of Carluke, 1680.07.08.  On Isaiah 49.24-26. “Good News to Scotland.”

Sermon 6 — preached on Kype Water in Avondale, 1680.07.18.  On Psalm 46.10.

His Testimony & Martyrdom:

An Account of the Battle at Airsmoss by David Hackston.

The Bond of Mutual Defence found upon Mr. Cameron when he was killed.

The Vision; or, The Cameronian’s Dream.

Related Documents:

A Proclamation Declaring Mr. Richard Cameron, and others, Rebels and Traitors, &c.

Documents Relating to the Indulgences:

Act anent the Supremacy, 1669.

The First Indulgence, 1669.

The Second (English) Indulgence, 1672.

The Third Indulgence, 1679.

Instructions for Regulating the Indulgence from Charles II, 1680.

The Toleration or Indulgence of William & Mary, 1689.