For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2

Select Writings



Minister of the Gospel

Who Laboured Especially in Geneva & France.

His Life:

The Life of THEODORE BEZA as related in Samuel Clark’s Marrow of Ecclesiastical Historie.


The Chief Points of the Christian Religion set forth in a Table: On Predestination and Perseverance.

Thirty-Eight Aphorisms for Stopping the Mouths of the Slanderous: On Predestination and Providence, Against Castalio.

Twenty-Nine Propositions as Translated by John Knox: On Predestination and Providence, Against Castalio.

Other Writings:

Propositions and Principles of Divinity: Chapters 1-13, concerning God, the Trinity, the Attributes of God, his Providence, Creation, and Angels.

Propositions and Principles of Divinity: Chapters 14-18, concerning Man, the Human Soul, Free-Will, Sin, and the Divisions or Sorts of Sin.

Propositions and Principles of Divinity: Chapters 19-21, concerning the Restoring of Mankind, the Person of Christ, and the Office of Christ.

Propositions and Principles of Divinity: Chapters 22-26, concerning Faith, Justification, and Sanctification.

Sermons and Excerpts:

Excerpt from Sermon 22 on Canticles 2.15: Concerning the Magistrate’s Duty to “Hunt the Little Foxes that Spoil the Vines.”