Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.—Joel 2.28

Select Writings



Minister of the Gospel

And Reformer of Christ’s Church.

His Life:

The Life of JOHN KNOX as related in John Howie's Biographia Scoticana.

His Writings:

A Most Wholesome Counsel... touching the Daily Exercise of God's Most Holy and Sacred Word.

A Confession and Declaration of Prayers.

On the True Catholic Church: An Answer to a Letter of a Jesuit named Tyrie.

The Execution of Servetus for Blasphemy, Heresy, & Obstinate Anabaptism, Defended.

29 Propositions of Theodore Beza touching the Providence of God, translated by John Knox.

Items Excerpted from Knox's History of the Reformation>

Offsite Resources:

Other Writings of John Knox available at an external website hosted by Still Waters Revival Books