For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2

Select Writings




His Life

The Life of JAMES GUTHRIE as related in John Howie's Biographia Scoticana.

His Sermons

  1. The Great Danger of Backsliding and Defection From Covenanted Reformation Principles: In a Sermon on Isaiah 57.13,14.
  2. A Cry from the Dead; or, The Ghost of the Famous Mr. James Guthrie Appearing: Being the last Sermon he preached in the Pulpit of Stirling, before his Martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1661; on Matthew 14:22-24.

His Writings

  1. Some Considerations Contributing unto the Discovery of the Dangers that threaten Religion, and the Work of Reformation in the Church of Scotland.
  2. Causes of the Lord's Wrath against Scotland, Manifested in his sad late dispensations.
  3. A Humble Acknowledgment of the Sins of the Ministry of Scotland.
  4. A Treatise of Ruling Elders and Deacons.
  5. The Waters of Sihor; or, The Lands Defection, &c. &c. Excerpts.

His Speeches

  1. His Speech before Parliament after the reading of his Indictment, 1661.02.21.
  2. His Speech before Parliament after the reading of the Process, 1661.04.10.
  3. His Speech as it was delivered by himself immediately before his Execution, 1661.06.01.