For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
The First Parliament of King James VI., 1567. — National Establishment of the Reformed Religion.
Act anent securing of the Covenant, Religion, and peace of the Kingdom, 7th of February, 1649.
General Assembly of the Church
An Act of General Assembly for censuring observers of Yule-day or Christmas, 1645.
Act for Censuring Ministers for their Silence and not speaking to the Corruptions of the Time, 1648.
A Seasonable and Necessary Warning and Declaration, etc. 1649.
Directory for Election of Ministers, 1649.
Commission of the General Assembly & Committee of Estates
Acts, Ecclesiastical & Civil, respecting the Authorized Version of the Metrical Psalter.
Declaration at West-Kirk, 1650, concerning the Stating of the Quarrel, etc.
The Second Parliament of King Edward VI., 1548. — Chapter 29: An Act against Sodomy.
An Ordinance of Parliament for the Ordination of Ministers pro Tempore, 1644.
Acts of Parliament in Second-Reformation England Against Blasphemy & Heresy, 1646 & 1648.
The Netherlands
National Synod
The Sentence of the National Synod of Dort concerning the Doctrine of Conradus Vorstius, 1619.
The Estates General
The Decree Banishing Conrad Vorstius, 1619.
The Declaration of the Decree against certain Arminians, for their Perpetual Banishment, 1619.