For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Reasons Against Voting in America: A Father’s Direction to His Son On How to Keep a Good Conscience During a U.S. Election. | Editor’s Introduction. Should the patriotic Christian, who loves his country, compromise his conscience, by voting to elect a wicked man as the nation’s president, though he is unfit to be a member of the Christian church? Suppose his country gives him no “better option” — does this make it right to do what was otherwise considered criminal? Should the patriotic Christian, who loves his sovereign Lord, select a fellow-citizen to swear an oath of office, dishonoring his Lord, disregarding his law, and exalting the commandments of men above the commandments of God? Again, Suppose his country gives him no “better option” — does this make it right to participate in the selection of a man to do with pretend solemnity, the deed he himself would consider to be treachery against Jesus? Such considerations, weighing on the consciences of those who fear the Lord, have kept many in modern western nations from participating in the election of rulers, even while their prayerful hearts were much concerned about who would possess the reigns of society, and how the Lord’s honor and his people’s safety would be affected thereby. To some they are “men wondered at” (Zech. 3.8,) while to many others they are resented as “the offscouring of all things.” (1 Cor. 4.13); but it is hoped the following will help the reader see why he too should choose this path, and see better expectation in it, than in the path of repeatedly embracing a “necessary evil” as his hope for his nation’s future. The letter below, and brief introduction, are taken from the Reformation Advocate magazine of September, 1874. 2022.03.10::JTK. |
We give to the following “Letter of a Father to his Son,” a place in our Magazine, because we consider it seasonable even now, although many years have elapsed and great changes have taken place since it was written, both in the statute and organic laws of this land. We deem it proper to assure the reader that it is from the pen of one who was not by profession either a minister or member of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Let the reader therefore dismiss from his mind any surmise that the letter originated in the brain of a “narrow-minded, bigoted Covenanter; a blue-stocking alien and enemy to the country; an anti-government man,” &c. On the contrary the writer was nurtured among hymn-singing, slave-holding christians; but—he “searched the Scriptures,” and wrote as follows:—
October 9th, 1860.
My Dear Son:
I write to you to let you know what I don’t want you to do; though I fear that what I don’t want you to do, is the very thing you will want to do. I feel more interested in what you don’t do, than in what you do do. I don’t want you to vote for Lincoln. I take it for granted that there is no danger [i.e. likeliness] of your voting for any of the other candidates. I will offer some reasons why we should not vote for any of the candidates.
There are four reasons why the Republican party can never cease to err from the divine law with infallible certainty, as that party is now constituted. First, Because it does not follow Christ as a leader. Second, Because it is led by its own carnal nature, and not by the Holy Spirit. Third, Because it is walking according to the course of this world. Fourth, It is walking according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Whosoever reject the leadership of Christ, and follow their own carnal spirit, an ungodly world, and Satan the god of this world, as leaders, must necessarily go astray with unerring certainty. A party must either be for Christ or for Satan; and a party that does not profess to follow Christ, or to be guided by his law, is without question following Satan; and if we identify with that party, we are also following Satan. There is no escaping from this conclusion. Fifth, We ought not to vote with any of the parties, because the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States is a profane and ungodly oath, and voting involves in the sin, both of administering and swearing this profane oath, in which God is not named. The Constitution itself is a profane constitution, which no one can lawfully swear to support; for it does not acknowledge God at all: but we are bound to acknowledge God “in all our ways;” and not acknowledging Him involves a denying of Him.
But it may be you will object, ‘What shall we do? shall we leave all power in the hands of the Democrats? may we not {72} choose the less of two evils? should we not be allowed to commit a less, to avoid a greater sin?’ No, this objection is founded in infidelity: it sets aside the divine law and legalizes sin. The sum and substance of this objection is, ‘Let us do evil that good may come.’ This makes the violation of the divine law a rule of duty; and a means of glorifying God; and of doing good to ourselves and others. We ought not to vote simply because the world and carnal professors do. The world is always wrong, and so is the church just so far as she is conformed to an ungodly world—‘to this present evil world.’
— Your affectionate Father.