For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Declinature. [Of James Campbell and Others, 1873.] [After efforts to reclaim the RPCNA from Covenant-Breaking Defection.] |
Be it known to the so-called Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, now met at Northwood, Logan Co., Ohio, that I, James Campbell, Elder, in my own name, and in the name of Thomas Percy and John Lowry, Deacons, and in the name of Mrs. John Lowry, Mrs. Catherine Percy, Mrs. Marthy Ditty, Mrs. Jane E. Campbell, Mrs. Nancy Logan, Miss Agnes Hunter, Miss Jane E. Campbell, Mr. John Logan and Mr. Frederick Wark, members and officers of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N.Y., and in the name of all who adhere to them, being members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and now in regular standing,—That we hereby do decline the authority of said Synod, and all subordinate Courts yielding subjection thereto, and this we do, because of defection and unfaithfulness in an act of Covenanting in Pittsburgh, Pa., in May, 1871, and for many acts of maladministration and corruption in doctrine, as set forth in our petitions, dissents, memorials, and remonstrances, in our pleadings with her to reform; and we claim for ourselves, and for all who adhere to us, all the privileges and immunities of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Rochester. And this our Declinature is set forth as the only lawful way left us to testify against defection, and walk by the rule of our former attainments.
Given at Northwood, this 3rd day of June, 1873.
Elder and Delegate.
Witnesses: |
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ROBERT CROZIER, 23 Monterey Street, Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. FRANCIS HOLLIDAY, Rushsylvania, Ohio. |
See also: Other Resources Relating to the 1871 Covenant sworn at Pittsburgh.