For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2 EDITOR:

Jeremy T. Kerr.

Updated 2024.11.14.

Jeremy T. Kerr

Greetings!  If you don’t already know who I am, this page will hopefully provide a sufficient introduction to satisfy your curiosity.  I am a Christian living in South Carolina, and endeavoring through God’s grace to uphold a Testimony for the Christian religion and the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries.  Formerly I lived in Pennsylvania, and while living there, I noticed that people online would ask one another about myself and my website, and often give incorrect explanations about my website, purpose, or background.  So after several years of saying little about myself, I eventually decided readers should have a little primary-source information on the subject.

I am editor of by my own voluntary dedication, not any official designation.  I would really be happy to invest more time in this effort, but as the years pass I have less time for the endeavour, which seems to mean that the Lord calls me to other things.  Still, I remain motivated to do what is possible for this project out of a few considerations:  (1) I remember how exciting and important it was in my younger years to find free e-texts online of old reformation and theological resources.  I learned so much that way, and was always anxious to find what new old document would get uploaded at the “Sovereign Grace Theology Page,” “Sola Scriptura,” “Project Wittenberg,” “Still Waters Revival Books,” “Fire and Ice,” “The Hall of Church History,” “Gospel Plow,” CRTA, and many other sites, too many of which are now gone.  If I can keep alive a resource where others can get an occasional meal of edifying information, I want to do that.  (2) Christian Witness and Testimony: Covenanters don’t have the same opportunities we used to have for bearing Testimony to the Cause of Christ.  We try to use them as much as we can.  But the website is a helpful and important means for this while the Reformed Presbyterian churches are in their present crippled state.  (3) Christian Socialization — That’s a duty too: Malachi 3.16 makes it clear. — And when Covenanters are scattered, a few here and a few there, a website is an important means for that.  If you get any encouragement or edification from an occasional visit to this site, be sure to return the favour and drop me an occasional encouraging note.  I need it too.  And please feel free, whether you are a Covenanter already or not.

That little introduction done, you might have enough information.  If so, you can look at the few things I’ve written, linked below, or return to the main site and browse literature written by more able authors.  Otherwise, if you want more information about me, I’ll try to provide an item or two with more details.

More About Me:

A Short Autobiographical Sketch revised in 2025.

Fountain Inn Reformed Church & Covenanter Fellowship — Notice about our Meetings in Fountain Inn, South Carolina — 2024.

My Confession & Testimony:

The Westminster Confession of Faith, 1647.—Someday I'll try to get this online. For now you can find it elsewhere. Just be sure to read the original 1647 text, and not a later revision. The original sums my beliefs rather thoroughly.

The Mount Herick Declaration, 1741.—This was composed and adopted by the Scottish Covenanters still adhering to the Covenanted Reformation about 90 years after it was overturned. The principles still apply, and the document explains what we would like to get back to, and how we view other Christians with whom we have some differences.

The RPCNA Testimony Against the US Constitution, 1839.—This testimony explains how these principles, drawn from Holy Scripture, may be applied to the present Civil [dis-]order in North America, and why faithful Covenanters disown the US Constitution and US "Government". It doesn't discuss much the application of these principles in terms of the actual practice of political dissent, but it makes its point well, and is a good place to start.

Some Writings I've Composed:

What is Calvinism—composed in 1999.

About the Covenanter Church, or, Who are the Covenanters?—published in 2017.

Christmas and Easter: What is the Bible-Believing Christian's Duty with regard to Holydays?, 2022.

The True Christian and Presbyterian View of Holydays—composed in 1998 and later revised. It could use some more revisions, but hopefully you'll find it instructive and helpful. I still hand it out fairly often.

An item in defence of Exclusive Psalmody—Written in response to the Session of Sovereign Grace Church, Gettysburg, which I attended during part of 1996 and 1997. This could use some stylistic revision and probably isn’t worth anyone’s time unless they’ve read or received a copy of the Session’s Position Statement against Exclusive Psalmody.

The Anatomy of a Schismatic, based on Eusebius’ Account of Novatian—compiled in 2016.

Ideals to Guard and Maintain in a Proper Constitution of the Presbyterian Church—compiled in 2017.

The Testimony of the RPCNA: Notes from an Examination Shared in the Hope of its Reparation, 2017.12.27.

Proposed Revision of the Solemn League and Covenant — uploaded 2018 with a comparative texts copy.

Pestilence, the World, and the Church — uploaded 2020 during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

Notes on Misc. Publications, etc.:

Notes on Luther’s Bondage of the Will primarily from the Packer/Johnston translation, but also including notes taken from the Henry Cole Translation.

Notes on Augustine’s Of True Religion which may be found translated into English in Volume VI of the Library of Christian Classics, published by The Westminster Press, MCMLIII.

Notes on William Perkins’ The Art of Prophesying and The Calling of the Ministry as it is was revised and published by The Banner of Truth in the Puritan Paperbacks series, 1996.

Notes on Garnet Milne’s Has the Bible been kept pure? The Westminster Confession of Faith and the providential preservation of Scripture. published independently, 2017.

An Outline of the Act, Declaration, and Testimony first published by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1761.