For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
A Collection of Notes On Martin Luther’s The Bondage of the Will. Shared for the sake of other readers, or those who might find the references of useful service. By Jeremy T. Kerr. |
Martin Luther
The Bondage of the Will
Published by Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company.
Read first time 1996/1997, finishing while I was a student at Gettysburg College
This book is one of the most important writings in Christian history, presenting a formidible response to the legalistic errors of the time in which it was first published, and an equally important remedy to the great errors of doctrine which prevail among both theological Liberals and professing Evangelicals in the 21st century. In the 1990s, the book was very important to me as a Gospel-believing Lutheran youth who needed to be led away from the Lutheran church of my childhood to find Bible-centered instruction among Christians who believed the doctrines of Predestination and Effectual Grace. Whether you are Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, or Romanist, there is something very valuable for you in Luther’s Bondage of the Will. Even beyond its stated themes there are several lessons of the Christian faith in which this famous Doctor of the Reformation can strengthen your Christ-centered convictions.
I apologize for the hints one may find that I was then using the NIV and/or Good News translation to cross-reference. Soon after starting this book I acquired a NKJV, and some months later started using the KJV. Beside the KJV, the only English Bible translation I would now encourage readers to use is the Geneva Bible. If Luther were alive today, he would prefer to see Christians reading the Latin Vulgate, rather than flooding the churches, bookstores, and Christian homes with translations that mangle and footnote God's word into doubtful obscurity even more than what prevailed in his own day.
The notes which follow include both those I took in 1996/1997 as I read the Packer/Johnston translation, and those I took in 1997/1998 while reading the Henry Cole translation. Of these two translations, I recommend the former to anyone who needs some guidance into the historical context and theological questions of the discussion; but recommend the latter to those who already have a fair amount of knowledge in the history and theology of the Reformation. Other translations also exist, but these are the two I have read.
--------- Notes ------------
[ The Packer/Johnston translation includes a 49 page historical and theological introduction. ]
Page | Note / Info on Packer/Johnston Translation Published by Baker | |
[ Notes on Historical Introduction ] | ||
15 | Erasmus - Scorned the Catholic Church in much the same way as Luther | |
Erasmus - Was a good friend of Pope Leo X | ||
Erasmus - Was most educated & suited to Lead Reform | ||
18 | Erasmus was “no theologian” | |
Luther's 95 Theses ended all hope for Erasmian Reform | ||
21 | Erasmus saw good in Rome - Luther saw bad | |
21 | Staupitz greatly influenced Luther | |
23 | Indulgences present 400 years before Luther | |
23 | Power of granting Indulgences became confined to Pope! | |
24 | The Indulgence for Basilica was to give complete remission of sins | |
Two types of Reform: Peaceful, (Undoctrinal) humanism \ Revolutionary, Augustinian Evangelicalism | ||
26 | (Erasmus said) Luther has done good but his rough manner will lose him many friends | |
27 | Foes of Humanism said Erasmus was Father of Luther's Heresy | |
29 | Erasmus finds nothing wrong with Luther [1519] | |
32 | Erasmus seeks to protect Luther [1520] | |
33 | Dec 10, 1520: Luther burned Papal bull in Public | |
34 | Condemned at Worms - secretly taken to Wartburg; Rumours of being poisoned by Aleander | |
35 | King of England urged Erasmus to write against Luther - Henry VIII | |
July 1523 - First Lutheran Martyrs killed at Brussels | ||
38 | Lutheran Reformation First historical movement to receive nation-wide publicity | |
38-39 | Fanatical Extremists, Peasant Uprisings, and Marriage prevented Luther from respondign to Erasmus' "Free Will" immediately | |
[ Notes page 1-V ] | ||
39 | Luther's Response 4 times the length of Erasmus' Diatribe | |
39 | Erasmus responds in 2 lengthy volumes in 1526 & 1527 | |
Luther said only De Servo Arbitrio and the children's catechism deserved to be preserved | ||
41 | Erasmus' Diatribe shows "much learning but little insight" | |
43 | To Erasmus Christianity was merely morality | |
44 | To Luther Christianity was a matter of doctrine & faith | |
46 | The "Mistress Reason is the Devil's Whore" | |
46 | [Luther] Condemned Natural Theology which used man's wisdom | |
47 | Employs Reason in the Sense of Logick | |
50 | All Erasmus has done is cheapened the price of Salvation | |
51 | All of our actions are led by GOD | |
[The] creature cannot make the creator his debtor | ||
55 | Impossibility of understanding provides opportunity for faith | |
55 | There is both "God Preached" and "God Hidden" | |
56 | We are to be guided by His Word not His "inscrutable will" | |
56 | Same GOD who condemns ungodly, mourns over their condemnation | |
57 | Justice comes in the end | |
57 | Lights of nature, grace, & glory | |
58 | Line of thought in "The Bondage of the Will" is Calvinistic | |
58 | Present Day Evangelical has semi-Pelagianism in his Blood | |
58 | All Reformers stood on the same Ground here | |
58 | Justification by faith only part of the Reformers' Doctrine of the sinner's salvation being entirely a free gift of God's Sovereign grace. | |
58 | Most important Part of Doctrine is that even the beginning of the Faith comes from GOD | |
59 | Arminianism turned faith into a meritorious work | |
60 | Protestantism today has become more Erasmian than Lutheran | |
[ Notes page 2-R ] | ||
[ Luther's Introduction ] | ||
64 | Did not respond to Erasmus because of "Disgust, Disinclination, and Distaste" | |
64 | Now responding to prevent lost souls | |
[ Review of Erasmus' Preface ] | ||
Unbiblical Assertions are stupid & Impious | ||
67 | Should have full assurance in Christ | |
69 | Should also be certain about that which the Bible does not address | |
72 | Christ has opened our understanding of Scripture | |
73 | Scripture says that GOD is incomprehensible, not that Scripture is [incomprehensible] | |
74 | Erasmus says Free Will is a useless doctrine we can do without | |
74 | Papist would condemn Erasmus' writing except for the fact that it is against Luther | |
It is important to at least know what one believes | ||
76 | Erasmus never defines the limits to which our will acts | |
78 | If I do not know what I can do for myself, then I do not understand what GOD can & will do for me | |
78 | We know not GOD if we know not what he does for us | |
79 | Must consider foreknowledge of GOD to consider freewill | |
79 | Erasmus writes nothing about Freewill, which is his topic | |
80 | God foreknows nothing contingently, but does all according to his Eternal will | |
80 | God's nature remains unchanged to all Eternity | |
80 | All that we do is in reality done in respect to GOD's will | |
81 | Immovable GOD brings movement in all | |
81 | Our will is not under any compulsion, does just as it pleases | |
82 | God is the only necessary being — existing by necessity of His own essential nature | |
"My counsel shall stand, and my will shall be done": Isaiah 46:10 | ||
82 | Even the Heathen (i.e. Vergil) speak of fate often — why not study | |
83 | Necessary that all should believe GOD wills all things that come | |
"The LORD knoweth them that are His!" II Tim. 2:19 | ||
Salvation promised long ago: Titus 1:2 | ||
[ Notes page 2-V ] | ||
84 | Ask of Him, ye shall receive; ask of others, ye may not | |
85 | Teaching of Scriptures is not a game or joke, Erasmus! | |
85 | Sophists have defiled the gold with dung, but we should keep the Gold | |
86 | Erasmus should save paper | |
88 | God is with us in death and Hell | |
89 | Erasmus would bring on us the Tyranny of the Papal Laws | |
90 | All Erasmus seeks is Public Order | |
90 | Seek to Fulfil the will of GOD [even if] all Earth is thrown into Chaos | |
91 | Christ himself came to Bring disorder | |
92 | Better to tolerate temporal war than continuance of Papacy | |
93 | Confessions & Satisfactions are (vain) human traditions and laws | |
94 | The Gospel does not bring wickedness, but brings wickedness to light | |
94 | Christ is preached even when in envy. Phil. 1.15. | |
95 | WORD of GOD should be preached to All in its Fullness | |
96 | Pope is unwilling for souls to be redeemed | |
96 | Erasmus is writing this for a cardinal’s hat | |
96 | Mens’ ordinances Bind Consciences — The Spirit’s [ordinances] FREE consciences! | |
Christ’s WORD: “Many are called, Few are chosen”: Matt. 22.14. | ||
98 | Erasmus insincere when speaking of the majesty of GOD’s Judgment | |
99 | “Who art thou that contendest with GOD?” (Romans 9:20) | |
99 | Fear of GOD & Humiliation must precede true, saving grace | |
100,101 | Doctrines Published to bring us to humility and love and teach us faith | |
102 | Unsaved do evil by necessity, not “compulsion.” | |
102 | Outward force to do good does not change will | |
103 | Bent of the will is still immutable, even when given by the LORD | |
104 | Erasmus’ Free-will has great power but ineffective power | |
105 | Free will is as unique [peculiar] to GOD as is His Divinity | |
106 | Man may be ‘Granted’ the ‘Freewill of GOD’ | |
107 | Freewill is ‘overruled by the Freewill of GOD’ | |
107 | Erasmus’ objections are either blasphemy or they are worthless & without need | |
108 | Hidden Wisdom has been revealed to us: Isaiah 64:4 | |
All of us are like the unclean: Isaiah 64:6 | ||
[ Notes page 3-R ] | ||
[ Review of Erasmus' Introduction ] | ||
109 | Erasmus promises to argue only from canonical Scripture | |
109 | Luther has Wycliffe, Laurentius Valla, & Augustine on his side | |
111 | Saints having the Spirit and working 'miracles' have nothing to do with “free-will” | |
112 | Doctrines to be proved by GOD, Not Man | |
113 | Promoters of Freewill have inconsistent Definitions | |
116 | Pope & his men say: “Do as we say, not as we do” | |
118 | Not all which Peter spoke was true: “That must never happen to you” [Matt. 16.22.] | |
119 | Jerome suggests marriage for earth, virginity for heaven | |
119,120 | Roman Catholic Church is not the true Church and GOD is not with her | |
122 | Pope sets himself in GOD’s place by declaring saints. | |
123 | All Doctrines should be tested & Judged by Scripture. | |
125 | Moses says use laws to judge & make decisions — This cannot be done unless laws are clear & understandable. | |
Psalm 19:8: “The commandment of the LORD is clear, enlightening the eyes” | ||
126 | Psalm 119:105: “Thy WORD is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my paths” | |
127 | 2 Peter 1:19: “WORD of Prophecy... take heed... shineth in a dark place” | |
127 | John 5:39: Jesus says the Scriptures testify of His coming. | |
128 | 2 Tim 3:16: All Scripture is given by GOD | |
128 | Luther’s Extreme Sarcasm | |
129 | No part of Scripture is Obscure | |
130 | Though they cannot refute us, neither shall they join us | |
131 | Gates of Hell prevail not against the Church of Christ, Matt 16:18, But they do prevail against Papacy. (as said by Hus) | |
132 | Men Confessing “Free-will” throughout history have been blind to the truth of Scripture to show how powerless Free Will is | |
133 | What Cannot be Defended from Scripture is not our business | |
134 | Our Failure to Grasp GOD’s WORD does not come from our own weakness of Understanding, but from the wickedness of Satan | |
134 | Erasmus does not present a Biblical perspective but rather discusses ‘pros and cons’ | |
134 | Foolish to shed one’s blood over something obscure | |
135 | Erasmus is trying simply to cause trouble for Luther. | |
135 | Luther Asserts: (1) Scriptures are perfectly clear; (2) Those mentioned were wholly inexpert in the sacred writings when they asserted “Free-Will” | |
[ Notes page 4-R ] | ||
[ Review of Erasmus' Arguments for 'Free-Will' ] | ||
137 | Definition of “Free-will”: Power of human will to apply oneself to those things that lead to salvation | |
137 | One would not call a slave who obeys commands ‘free’ | |
138 | Erasmus is obscure in defining “Free-Will” | |
139 | Cannot know anything about salvation unless Spirit has revealed it: 1 Cor. 2:10 | |
140 | Greater one’s Wit & Learning, The Greater one’s objection to resurrection | |
141 | “Free-Will” is a Divine term signifying a divine power | |
141 | “Free-Will” Applies itself to things it does not Comprehend! [according to Erasmus] | |
141 | Erasmus contradicts himself when he says FW can apply itself to grace (Earlier he said FW was useless w/o grace) | |
142 | Erasmus makes Holy Spirit to be Superfluous & Unnecessary | |
142 | Luther does not Agree with Sophist’s view of “Free-Will” | |
142,143 | Stones & Logs have Free Will [according to Sophist’s reasoning] | |
143 | (ii) | Luther does not accept the book of Ecclesiasticus |
145 | (iii) | Erasmus Grants Free Will cannot will good: contradicts himself |
147 | Erasmus has attempted to create a Middle Ground concerning free will | |
151 | (iv) | Ecclesiasticus does not assert Free Will but speaks subjunctively |
151 | (v) | Command does not mean we are capable of fulfilling |
153 | By the Law GOD brings us to awareness of our impotence | |
156 | (vi) | Satan was not in control of Adam (as he is us) but still caused him to sin |
157 | (vii) | Hebrews use future indicative for the imperative often |
165 | (ix) | If we cannot love GOD with all our heart, then we can do nothing |
169 | GOD promises things that we need, not just things we benefit from | |
170 | (x) | Antichrist can only be exalted above our view of GOD but nothing can be exalted above “GOD Not Preached” |
170 | GOD has kept himself free over all things | |
172 | (xi) | Diatribe suggests man can keep all the law with ease without grace |
174 | The Law is Near us & with us. We cannot claim not to know it | |
176 | (xii) | Man should occupy himself with GOD Incarnate (Christ Crucified) |
176 | All which was done by the prophets was done in the name of Christ | |
179 | (xiv) | Erasmus has sought to ascribe merit to free-will |
180 | NT: Promises & Exhortations. OT: laws & threats | |
180 | Ministry of WORD is highest point of Grace | |
181 | (xv) | Rewards come from God as a consequence — not by worthiness |
182 | One cannot merit that which has been prepared unto him since the foundation of the world | |
[ Notes page 4-V ] | ||
184 | GOD has given His Spirit through His WORD | |
185 | (xvi) | Works of “ours” are ours because we received them from the Holy Spirit |
188 | Free Will rejects even Grace because it is ruled by Satan | |
188 | Diatribe’s only purpose was to please Pope by rejecting Luther | |
189 | Knowledge of Sinfulness -> Humbleness -> Prepared for Grace | |
189 | Christians are made to act by the Spirit of GOD | |
[ Notes page 5-R ] | ||
[ Review of Erasmus' Treatment of Texts that Deny 'Free-Will' ] | ||
190 | (ii) | Erasmus has incorrectly claimed various “figures” [of speech] to support his claims |
All figures to be avoided save if absolutely required by Scripture | ||
192 | All heresies come from “hankering after figures” | |
(iii) | Erasmus interprets “prettily” but not correctly | |
195 | Few handled Scripture so clumsily as Origen & Jerome | |
197 | Erasmus’ Prettiest thought: GOD’s mercy comes through endless punishment | |
199 | Free-will is equally impotent in all men | |
No reason can be given why FW in some should attain to Grace but not in others | ||
199 | Without God’s power in election, God becomes the Idol chance, through which all things happen at random | |
200 | Erasmus writes of Freewill filled & unfilled by works | |
201 | WORD makes the reprobate worse | |
202 | God would be good even if He destroyed all men | |
202 | The LORD made the ungodly for the day of evil [Prov. 16.4.] | |
203 | GOD’s best works, such as Hell, seem bad to man | |
204 | (iv) | God uses evil instruments (Satan & Man) but it is the blame of the instrument that he is evil & does evil |
205 | (v) | God hardens man by depriving him of those desires which he deserves not to have fulfilled |
206 | God does not need to create “fresh evil” But only leave us to ourselves | |
206 | God bid Shimei to curse David. 2 Sam. 16.10. | |
208 | (vi) | God knew Pharaoh’s heart would be hardened, because an evil will can only will evil. |
208 | God should not cease to be good simply so that the ungodly don’t grow worse | |
209 | God’s will obeys no rules or standards — He is GOD! | |
211 | Had Pharaoh had a Free-will, God could not have foretold his hardening | |
213 | (vii) | Luther says God is convicting the mind of Erasmus |
213 | If GOD be not mistaken in what he foreknows, then things must come to pass of necessity. | |
214 | Some “sound sense in the diatribe at last” | |
214 | Romans 9.19 Paul rebukes them who ask why God condemns those that He controls | |
215 | Erasmus is seeking Ambiguity & Obscurity in the Scriptures | |
216 | We have no rights against God’s Power & Will | |
216 | (viii) | Even the Gentiles ascribed to their gods “fate inevitable” |
218 | Law is written on the hearts of even the Gentiles. Romans 2:15 | |
219 | (ix) | Comparison with potter’s clay in Rom. 9:21 is futile unless Free-will is nil |
222 | (x) | In his sleepy-headedness, Erasmus answers not the questions he was asked |
223 | (xi) | Erasmus would exalt Jerome’ word above Paul’s |
224 | Jacob attained that which Esau did not solely by the Grace of “Him that calleth” | |
226 | From eternity He has either loved us or hated us immutably | |
229 | (xii) | Erasmus insinuates that Paul irresponsibly misquotes OT Scripture from Isaiah 45:9 |
231 | The LORD knows His own: 2 Tim. 2:19 | |
232 | (xiii) | 2nd absurdity drawn from the “Mistress Reason” |
232 | Diatribe asking same question “Why does He find fault? Who has resisted?” | |
232-233 | God Defines what is just and Good, let not man judge | |
233 | It is not “absurd” to condemn one who cannot avoid deserving damnation | |
235 | (xiv) | Erasmus suggests no scriptures should be taken in their plain sense |
235 | Conditional statements are meant to exhort | |
236 | God alone does all things --> Man does nothing [toward his salvation or in the interest of grace, etc.] | |
1 Cor. 12.6 [And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.] | ||
237 | Erasmus thinks that man can merit rewards | |
237 | Luther: “If ‘free-will’ merits a ‘tiny bit’, and grace the rest, why does ‘free-will’ receive the total reward?” | |
[ Notes page 6-R ] | ||
[ Review of Erasmus' Treatment of Texts that Deny 'Free-Will' II ] | ||
240 | (i) | Genesis 6:3 "Flesh" does not merely mean weakness but evil lusts |
240 | 120 years is time set until coming of the Flood | |
241 | All are Flesh => Statement applies to all men. John 3:6 | |
Carnal quality is ungodliness | ||
Hebrew uses same term for 'flesh' & 'body' | ||
242 | (ii) | God declares that men are evil before & after flood. [Gen] 6.5, 8.21. |
243 | "Why give any commands, if all passes of necessity?" | |
243 | (iii) | Jerome is a man of "no judgment or carefulness" |
244 | Jews believe God has appointed our time on earth. | |
245 | Those who have thought to be at war against sin have been "sinners-militant" | |
248 | (iv) | Greatest part of man: wisdom, righteousness... is only 'flesh' |
250 | Erasmus will not accept unless a plain statement is given like the Jews & Arians [Luther here is framing a good argument against the Lutheran stubbornness concerning the Lord's Supper] | |
251 | Body & Soul are both flesh and completely unrighteous | |
252 | All one does is for his own glory if he knows not God | |
253 | Man is ungodly if without the Spirit of God. Bible says: Spirit is given to justify the ungodly | |
Erasmus has suggested that man's most excellent part does not need Christ. | ||
255 | One who has been born again through faith has first fruits of Spirit | |
255 | (v) | Jer. 10.23: "Way of man is not in himself"... not man who "directs his own steps." |
256 | Erasmus attributes to Necessity of events (outcome) which he ealier attacked [or rather, Erasmus attributes to necessity the outcome-of-things, though he condemned Wycliffes's doctrine of necessity.] | |
259 | (vi) | Whether God 'permits' or 'inclines' such actions involved pass by the will and operation of God still. |
260 | (vii) | John 15:5: "Without Me, you can do nothing." Erasmus would change "nothing" to "nothing perfectly" |
261 | Why not reinterpret all the 'nothings' and 'not's in the Bible | |
263 | Luther uses term 'Lutherans'? | |
267 | (viii) | Freewill has nothing to do with co-operation of Man & God's will [rather the question is about the actual power and operation of Free-will itself] |
270 | Erasmus' conclusion as it should be stated: Against Free-Will | |
270 | Erasmus asks Luther to allow "a very little to 'free-will'" | |
271 | Must go to Extreme & Deny Free-will completely | |
271 | (xi) | Free-will is a non entity, a thing consisting in a name alone |
[ Notes page 7-R ] | ||
[ VII: The Bible Doctrine of the Bonmdage of the Will ] | ||
273 | (i) | Luther will not bring in all resources against freewill because book [size intended] is too small |
First argument from Rom 1.18: General judgment of wrath against all men | ||
Freewill is pronounced ungodly and unrighteous. | ||
274 | 'Against all ungodliness of men' actually means 'against the ungodliness of all men' because Paul always uses Hebrew idiom. | |
274 | v16 proves Jews "differ not a whit from other men." | |
I Cor I:23: Free will fails botht he Jews and the Gentiles | ||
277 | How can freewill endeavor towards good when goodness & righteousness are a stumbling block and foolishness to it | |
277 | The wise became vain in their imaginations & foolish heart was darkened [Rom. 1.21.] | |
278 | (ii) | We are no better than the vilest & we also fail to seek after God |
279 | If man’s reason & will - endeavoring was good, then he would not be "under sin" | |
279 | Man is wholy evil in all his ways, entirely, and completely in rebellion against God | |
280 | All men are ignorant of, and despise God. They go out of their way to sin. | |
282 | Man's hate of God is the "fountain-head of all iniquities"... a hell of evil! This is the potency & glory of "free-will" | |
282 | Rom. 3:19-20: Clear that Paul is speaking of all men. All are Guilty before God. By the law is knowledge & awareness of sins committed | |
282 | Jer 23:29: WORD is like a fire... hammer... God is against those who prophesy falsely | |
283 | The LORD will tear down all that the wicked build, including 'free-will' | |
283 | When Paul condemns even the works of the law, it is sure that all are condemned | |
284 | (iii) | Error of Jerome caused by Satan: Works of Law only refer to ceremonial - Not True |
284 | Luther would never canonize Jerome or call him Saint. Rather send to hell. | |
284 | Ceremonial works can be "screwed out of us by plain fear or self-love": How cheap we would make grace to be if this were all we needed. | |
[Whether it is possible] to perform ceremonial work without sinning. | ||
286 | There are those who work after the Spirit, and those who work after the flesh; -- but there is no middle ground. | |
286 | All works of Law performed without the Spirit are condemned | |
286 | That he is "of the works of the Law" is the finest thing that can be said of a man | |
286 | "Free-will" does not even know what sin is, it must have the law to teach it | |
287 | (iv) | By the Law comes knowledge of sin -- this is purpose of the law |
287 | Law does not help a man, it shows him his sickness. The gospel heals | |
288 | "As long as sins are unknown, there is no room for a cure" | |
288 | How can free-will attain to righteousness if it does nto know what it is | |
289 | (v) | That righteousness of God which was witnessed by the law has been manifested without the law. Rom. 3:21-25 |
289 | If righteousness exists without the law, how much more will it exist without free-will | |
289 | Supreme concern of free-will is to exercise itself in a moral righteousness. | |
290 | Only Christian faith is righteous before God. | |
290 | What is not Righteous is Sin, there is no medium | |
290 | Ungodly, unfaithful man sins even when he eats because he abuses God's creation | |
291 | "The righteousness of God" Hebrew idiom, means: "A Righteousness we have from God" | |
291 | God accepts the efforts of freewill only from those who have faith | |
292 | "Free-will" is perpetually guilty of sin and unbelief | |
292 | (vi) | Endeavor & merit have no place with Grace given freely |
292 | As little as possible may be attributed to 'free-will' but [on such a theory] it is still that little bit that attains grace [so that it is not longer gracious grace] | |
293 | They make God a respecter of persons when they say a man is without grace by his own fault | |
293 | Free-willists set up condign merit more firmly than the Pelagians | |
296 | (vii) | Abraham did not have righteousness of works but righteousness of faith |
297 | Distinction between "Him that worketh" and "Him that worketh not" indicates that it is "Good" works that Paul condemns | |
297 | (viii) | If source of Grace is predestinating purpose of God then it comes of necessity |
298 | Original Sin becomes ours not by Imitation but by birth | |
298 | (ix) | Comprehensive terms of Paul have been ignored & altered to suit free-willists |
299 | Expresses his views by categorical statements & comprehensive contrast in affirmative & positive | |
It is the gift of the Spirit of God to turn men to recognize these things. | ||
300 | (x) | Those who lack the Spirit are flesh, and are under Satan |
300 | But those who are in the flesh cannot please God, neither can they receive the things of God | |
300 | There is Spirit & Flesh, no middle-man called soul as Origen dreams | |
301 | (xi) | Rom. 10:20 It was given to hear and know Christ to them that sought him not --- faith a gift |
302 | (xii) | John 1:5 Darkness comprehended it not. World knew Him not. Cannot exempt any but [those who] have the spirit |
302 | "Freewill" does not know the light of the truth, it hates Christ & His | |
303 | "World" refers to all accept that which was taken out of the world. John 15:19 | |
303 | Those who believe were not born of will of man, but of God. John 1:12-13 | |
304 | The grace which we receive is bought with the Grace of CHRIST John 1:16, Rom. 5:15 | |
305 | When one asserts Free-will, he denies Christ ( => Thus an Antichrist, 1 John 2:22) | |
305 | They use intercessions of Mary & saints since they are afraid of their Christ which is a dreadful judge rather than a sweet mediator | |
305 | Free-willists shall be judged as they believe, and as they deserve | |
306 | (xiii) | Free will didn't do anything for Nicodemus who came to Christ but then did not believe |
307 | (xiv) | Scriptures speak categorically — If freewill has nothing to do with Christ, then if has everything to do with Satan. |
308 | If "free-will" believes on Christ, then man does not need Grace | |
310 | John 3:27: "Man can receive nothing accept it be given him from above" Free-will must be nothing | |
311 | (xv) | John 6:49: Man has no power to come to God but must be drawn from within |
311 | (xvi) | It is sin not to believe. This sin comes from the reason & will. The world is in sin, with her will. |
312 | All Christians know Scripture proclaims Christ categorically & antithetically because there are 2 kingdoms in this world which are at war with each other. | |
312 | We are compelled to serve in Satan’s kingdom if we are not plucked from it by divine power | |
313 | * (xvii) | Rom. 7:15, Gal. 5. Regenerate man is so corrupt that the flesh controls despite [the] spirit’s will. How then will unregenerate ever will to believe? Even if he did will to do so, he still would not believe anyhow. |
313 | (xviii) | [I] Would not want "freewill" if available: Could not stand my ground; gives no guarantee |
314 | Our salvation is not in our will, but is under the control of God’s will. John 10:28-29 | |
314 | We please God not by reason of our works but by his merciful favour promised | |
315 | (xix) | Justice of God is incomprehensible, we must have faith that He is just when He damns. Romans 11:33: "unsearchable are His judgments" |
315-316 | God governs the external affairs of the world, yet wicked prosper. They prosper not in worldly, but rather perish. Chance does not exist. Prov. 16:33. | |
317 | Light of nature, light of grace, light of Glory. Light will make known all | |
318 | Christ, by his blood, redeemed the whole of man, not [the] least valuable part [only] | |
[ VIII: Conclusion ] | ||
319 | Erasmus has many gifts: wit, learning, miraculous eloquence | |
Erasmus alone has attacked the real essential issue: hinge on which all turns, The Papacy, Purgatory, Indulgences, are trifles, not (vital spot) issues | ||
320 | Erasmus' lack of understanding indicated in saying he asserts nothing but makes comparisons. | |
Luther says he asserts, and urges all to submit. | ||
Pray that the LORD would enlighten and make Erasmus a vessel to honour and Glory |
See a few more notes from the Packer/Johnston translation (above) of Luther's Bondage of the Will in a Blog Entry at
Page | Note / Info on Henry Cole Translation Published by Henry Atherton | |
[ Notes page: Additional Notes written on back inside Cover of H. Cole Translation ] | ||
35 | Impenitence in an unpardonable sin | |
151 | Our will must be continually moved & increased by the Spirit of God or we will immediately fall | |
170, 173 | Offer Divine Mercy to the world | |
171 | Discriminating Love | |
172 | Antichrist | |
180-181 | Problem 1/ Matt. 23. See Calvin's Commentary on Matt. & Mark & Luke, Vol. 3, pp. 108-109. | |
206 | "This is my body" | |
210-212, 226 | Hardening | |
216 | "By the same sun, mud is hardened..." | |
217, 218, 253 | "Double Predestination" | |
222 | Things damnable to us are very good to God | |
223 | Providence in evil | |
230 | God's will [the] Standard of Right | |
236 | Judas willed evil of Necessity but not by compulsion | |
237 | Necessity of the Consequent Foreknown | |
241 | Damned in Hell will complain eternally as Erasmus | |
243 | Luther's "Desperation" --> Brings closer to grace | |
252 | Let ["Jerome"] be anathema... | |
255 | Malachi Passage | |
267 | Against Single Predestination | |
293 | Righteousness of men for their own Glory is worst unrighteousness | |
295-297 | Importance of Doctrine of Total Depravity. [Also, page 334] | |
299 | External vs. Internal Call [Also, pages 316, 380-381] | |
304 | Permission of God is Will | |
317-318 | Universal Providence | |
318 | Sanctification / Preserving | |
340 | Jerome | |
374 | FreeWill - not Way, Truth, & Life | |
378 | Doctrine of FreeWill leads to licentiousness | |
385 | God Just to leave Reprobate in sin | |
387 | God & Evil: Section 166 [See pages 387-389.] | |
389 | God does good to Evil men | |
390 | God Fore-ordains all things (as well as foreknows) | |
402 | Unbelief in the Garden | |
407 | Logic, the Instructor of teaching rightly | |
412 | Do not use term fortune / fate | |
414-415 | Erasmus makes Christianity into Mythology | |
[ Notes page: Additional Notes written on front inside of bookcover for H. Cole Translation ] | ||
124-125 | Define Obscurely | |
129 | Lombard's Definition [of] Free will | |
139 | Necessity of Bondage to Sin | |
142 | Christian Freedom | |
143 | * Moses [Also see page 150] | |
144 | Logic | |
146 | False Logic of Reason [Also see pages 268, 252, 147, 265, 182] | |
150 | Original Grace | |
150 | Must have Continual Grace | |
152 | Future indicative for the imperative [or for] Promise | |
154 | Knowledge is not Power | |
162 | Law & Gospel | |
165 | Offered Grace [Also see pages 170, 171, 181, 187, 198, 199] | |
171 | Infra? [But see 267 top & button ~ Supra.] | |
173 | Desires all to be saved [But see pages 375-376 of Concordia edition of Luther's Commentary on Romans] | |
181 | What Secrets of the Divine Majesty ought we not to pry into [Also, see page 182] | |
183 | Astrologer's Epicycles will us Free Will | |
185-186 | Predestination | |
186-187 | Merit | |
189 | Necessity of Immutability compatible with merit [See also page 304] | |
190 | No legal Spirit in Sons of God but a working by Free-will | |
191 | Supra - Heaven Merits | |
201 | Christian is saw in hand of carpenter | |
212 | Calling God's Mercy his wrath --- And He does good to whole world | |
218 | Same Sun Hardens & Melts | |
222 | Hell a good work of God | |
230 | Creation vs. Traducian | |
236 | Distinction on Necessity of Consequence Denied | |
242 | Omnipotence of God works all in all | |
247 | If foreknow --> Decreed | |
[ Notes page: Additional Notes written on back inside of bookcover for H. Cole Translation ] | ||
275 | Sons of men vs. Sons of God | |
285-6 | Regeneration / Spirit before Faith / Will | |
303 | Proverbs 16.4 | |
304 | Permit -> Still Will | |
316 | Synergistic Sanctification | |
318 | Quotes James | |
323 | Harsh Words - Gall-dipped Darts | |
336 | Paul would show grace necessary to all | |
339 | "Condemns work of law themselves" - Explain | |
340 | All Condemned who are of the works of the Law. Gal. 3.10. See p. 342. | |
341 | Ceremonial Works Indifferent? | |
351 | Glory of God... Hebrew <--> Latin... [Righteousness of God] | |
357 | If something required from us - then no grace | |
357 | Rom. 4.2-3. | |
360 | If Grace come from Election & Purpose then of necessity & not merit | |
361 | Original Sin | |
370 | Baptist speaking or no in John 1.16? | |
371-2 | Assert FreeWill ~ Deny Christ | |
372 | As they believe, so it is unto them | |
375 | Establish FreeWill - Make Christ Void | |
380-381 | Effectual Calling | |
384 | I do not want Free-will | |
384-5 | Perseverance of the Saints | |
385 | Traducian? | |
389 | 3 lights |