For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
A Collection of Notes On William Perkins’ The Art of Prophesying. Shared for the sake of other readers, or those who might find the references of useful service. By Jeremy T. Kerr. |
William Perkins
The Art of Prophesying and The Calling of the Ministry
From Puritan Paperbacks Series, Banner of Truth.
Finished reading 2015.02.10.
Read at the advice of my wife after waiting 16+ years.
Overall conclusion: Solid. Practical. Spiritual. I liked this sufficiently to send copies to local pastors who I didn't really know anything about. I would encourage others to do the same. I noticed nothing I would criticize, but I'm rather far from being qualified to do so. The two points of insight I found most worth noting were Perkins' comments about the necessity that faithful spiritual ministers should be at peace with one another, (page 99,) and that a pastor must look to his King (the Lord) for his maintenance, and not to those to whom the King sends him as ambassador, (page 182.) It is to be noted also, that Perkins has a brief comment about how Christians may help one another when there are no godly ministers, (page 104,) but he does not specify the limits or circumstances of how "godly Christians" shall do so. In any case, it implies that he recognized the reality that sometimes the Church is so backslidden that not only sceptics, schismatics, and hypocrites, but also godly Christians would find no congregation to attend, and no minister to whom to listen. It also makes clear that Perkins would have godly Christians then to fellowship one another, rather than the various erring parties of our still-beloved Church Catholic. Mr. Perkins makes very evident his opposition to all false pretensions to the ministry, regardless of a man's abilities and sincerely felt impulses to intrude into the office of the ministry without an actual commission.
--------- Notes ------------
[ The first two sections discuss the nature of preaching and the Word of God. ]
Sect/Para | Note / Info | |
20 | [Comparing original publication, it is clear the editors have left out references | |
23-24 | Order for studying scripture | |
25 | Directions for composing commonplace Books | |
Preparation: Interpret Meaning & Division for orderly exposition | ||
Means of Interpr: Analogy of Faith; Circumstances of Passage; Comparison with other passages | ||
30 | Analogical places: apparent meaning is clearly consistent with the Analogy of Faith | |
30 | Rule: If natural meaning agrees with circumstances then natural meaning is correct | |
Cryptic places: Natural meaning of words Difficult, obscure, or Disagrees with analogy of Faith or clear Scriptures | ||
Seek Meaning which agrees with (1) Both Similar and Different Passages; (2) Circumstances & words of passage; (3) Nature of what is being discussed | ||
"This must be right" --- But suppose more than one?! | ||
Implication: (1) Occasionally it is appropriate to supply words. | ||
33 | (2) Alt. explanation that requires changing one noun for another implies the use of a figure of speech | |
Anthropomorphism, sacramental language, communication of properties, | ||
God's involvement in evil - "must" refer to "working permission," | ||
[Unedited text for Perkins comment about God and evil: "Things spoken of God, which carry with them the shew of evil, must be understood in regard of his operative or working permission." Language better left untouched.] | ||
Unfinished things described as finished, | ||
Sins representing sins of the same kind | ||
Threats and promises normally imply certain conditions | ||
37 | "Signifying will distinguished from God's "will of good pleasure" | |
Exclusive speech concerning Divine person may not exclude other persons | ||
Term 'God' may be meant absolutely, or used referring to the Father. | ||
38 | General & Particular words: *all* may mean *many*; many may mean *all* | |
(3) Grammatical & Rhetorical properties of words | ||
Ellipsis shows brevity or expresses deep emotion | ||
Pleonasm is doubling word or phrase: has various uses in different parts of speech. | ||
Irony / Sarcasm often implies rebuke | ||
Repetition of word or sound; Question-Form | ||
[ Notes page 1-V ] | ||
41ff. | Various types of scripture "contradictions" explained/resolved | |
41 | 1 Peter 3.19 --- Christ in his Spirit preached to those now in prison | |
46 | Meaning most appropriate to context, where the natural sense of a passage can be determined, should be understood for words with multiple meanings | |
47 | Alternate Greek/Hebrew readings to be determined based on the grammatical construction, sense of context, and analogy of the faith | |
48 | Rightly handling the Word of God: 2 Tim. 2.15; Isa. 50.4. | |
49 | Resolution: State Doctrines from text | |
Sometimes explicit. Especially in NT quotes of OT | ||
Sometimes implicit --- Drawn from what is implied. | ||
50 | Certain kinds of examples have force of rule in their own sphere | |
52 | Augustine interprets Psalm 72.14 as relating to interest | |
Analogies / Allegories should not be used to prove a point of doctrine | ||
53 | We must not rest our faith on human testimonies but only use them for conviction | |
53 | Doctrine stated should have only a few scriptures used for proof | |
54 | Application: handle doctrine as appropriate to circumstances of time & place and to people in congregation | |
Ezek. 34.15,16; Jude 22,23. | ||
54 | Know whether scripture passage is Law or Gospel | |
55 | Understanding Law qualified by the gospel | |
7 Ways to make Application: | ||
56 | (1) For unbelievers both ignorant & unteachable --> Preparations | |
Either they become teachable or must eventually be left | ||
56 | (2) For those who are teachable but ignorant --> Catechism | |
"Principles of the Faith" Defined | ||
57 | "Milk" and "Strong Meat" explained and categorized | |
57 | (3) For those who have knowledge but were never humbled --> Repentance | |
58 | Ministry of law to be used to work godly sorrow: grieve for sin as sin | |
57 | True repentance for one sin is repentance for all sin. --> Cofmort w/ the Gospel | |
(4) Already humbled but not completely --> Expound Law tempered w/ Gospel | ||
(5) Those who believe --> Teach Gospel, Law w/o Curse, Meditate on Curse Usefully | ||
60 | For those who have fallen back --> Various resolutions for failures in Doctrine, Apprehending Christ, or Life Style | |
60 | Fundamental and Secondary Doctrines Distinguished | |
61 | Will to believe is faith | |
61 | In sinful world all God's works are done by means which are contrary to him | |
62 | Ministerial Power of binding & loosing to be used | |
(7) For Churches with both believers and unbelievers --> Expound Law & Gospel texts w/in biblical limitations. | ||
63 | Do not make any consciences despair while proclaiming law to hardened | |
[ Notes page 2-R ] | ||
Varieties of Application: Mental & Practical | ||
64 | Mental: Doctrine or Reproof --- Limitations for Refuting Error | |
65 | Practical: Instruction or Correction --- Include self when possible | |
----------------------------------------- | ||
69 | Memory: Artificial Memory aids rejected | |
70 | Horace: words "will not unwillingly follow the matter that is premeditated" | |
70 | Word-for-word memorized disadvantageous | |
----------------------------------------- | ||
Preaching the Word | ||
71 | Human wisdom must be hidden though it be studied, Because it is the word & Spirit of God which produces Faith | |
72 | Demonstration of the Spirit. 1 Cor. 2.4: minister's conduct makes evident that Spirit of God speaks in him & by him | |
72 | Spiritual speech: Avoid Greek, Latin, Odd Phrases, Stories, Vulgarity | |
Scripture directs pastors to teach by their example: Phil. 4.8; 1 Tim. 4.12; 1 Pet. 5.3 | ||
73 | Minister ought to cover his infirmities so they are not obvious | |
74 | Preacher's Holiness: Good Conscience, Sense of Doctrine, Fear of God, Love for People... Constancy, Self-Restraint | |
75 | Grace: Ability to Teach, Authority in Preaching, Zeal | |
76 | Gestures: Voice loud enough, moderate in exposition, fervent in exhortation; | |
Trunk erect & still, arms, hands, face, & eyes move expressively | ||
Example of widely respected godly ministers a guide | ||
----------------------------------------- | ||
Prayer: Minister is voice of the people in Calling upon God | ||
77 | Subject: Sin, Grace Needed, Rulers, Topics of Lord's Prayer | |
78 | Form: Minister leads, people silent until Amen | |
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----------------------------------------- | ||
The Calling of the Ministry Part I | ||
Titles of True Ministers | ||
85 | Messenger / Angel: Deliver God's Word just as you received it. | |
Preaching with plainness is preaching with power b/c demonstration of God's Spirit | ||
88 | Woman's head covering in 1 Cor. 11, and the meaning of angels | |
89 | Interpreter: Both for God to people and for people to God | |
89 | Must have the tongue of the learned to speak a word in season to weary (Isaiah 50.4): | |
Human learning, Outward Divine [knowledge], Spirit of God | ||
91 | Must be taught by the Spirit of God, but this is not same as "revelations" | |
91 | Must be reconciled to God, to present others to God for pardon or to commend the state of Grace to others | |
91 | Must put our corruptions to death and throw aside unruly affections to come into the holy presence of the Lord | |
92 | The few who are converted under unsanctified ministers serve to show that the power of the Gospel is not in ministers but God's ordinance | |
92 | "God hates anyone who takes it in hand to reconcile others to God while he himself remains unreconciled" | |
92 | True ministers must first be God's interpreters to their own consciences | |
[ Notes page 2-V ] | ||
Scarcity of True Ministers | ||
93 | The rarity of true ministers is self-evident from experience in all ages | |
94-95 | Reasons few seek the calling of minister: | |
(1) Contemned by men; (2) Heavy burden of duty; (3) Inadequate Financial Recompense | ||
96 | Rulers & Magistrates must support the "schools of the prophets" | |
97 | Four years learning sufficient to Papists and encouragement for our speed | |
98 | Without Liberality of Rulers and good discipline of schools, good ministers yet less | |
Ministers must (1) Take care not to decrease number of Good ministers | ||
(2) Increase number by attracting others to honourable calling, and | ||
99 | (3) Unite together with all godly ministers and avoid division | |
99 | Students should direct studies and thoughts to this and themselves with best helps | |
Others should value & respect their ministers and consecrate their children for the work | ||
----------------------------------------- | ||
The Office of True Ministers | ||
102 | "To declare unto man his righteousness" --- Preach Justification by Christ | |
102 | Declare this righteousness "to those who repent and believe" --- Proper Duty | |
Complete Duty: Preach Repentance; Preach Faith in Christ & Free Forgiveness; Declare Righteousness | ||
Teach where Righteousness is to be found and how to obtain it. | ||
103 | Proclaim [objective] righteousness --- able to justify and save every sinner | |
Must witness to consciences of poor sinners --- help doubting & distressed consciences | ||
Must maintain truth about Righteousness against all who deny it and may call all things to witness; pledge his own soul that this is a true, perfect, all-sufficient Righteousness | ||
104 | Christians may profitably help one another when there are no godly ministers | |
105 | Ministry must not assure people of Righteousness who seek it in themselves | |
105 | Law & Gospel must both be preached and always Law first, then Gospel | |
God promises to bless the minister's testimony but blesses others to show where Power [really] is | ||
106 | Minister should have a sense of the high privilege of their calling | |
107 | Gospel-hearers must also be content to be first declared miserable by the Law | |
107 | Fathers should dedicate children to be ministers --- better than lawyer or physician | |
----------------------------------------- | ||
The Work of True Ministers --- Its Blessing | ||
109 | Sympathy & co-operation between the heart of God and the task of the Minister | |
109 | Minister pronounces mercy to penitent sinner and immediately God has mercy | |
God ties his blessing to the faithful preaching of his word - honors word preached | ||
110 | God binds and looses, remits and retains, with his ministers, confirming their word | |
110 | Examples of binding and loosing | |
Rulers & Authorities have their commands confirmed in heaven [therefore] must [all] submit to Ministers of Word | ||
111 | Ministers must remember that the word of reconciliation is God's, not their own | |
111 | People must hear ministers often and never hear the devil's messengers | |
112 | People also must remember ministers word is actually God's word, not his | |
112 | When there are not ministers God blesses the pronouncing forgiveness by others, but ordinarily this blessing is tied to ministers' calling | |
113 | Reasons why Christians generally do not have the power/ability of binding/loosing | |
113 | What private Christians may do when there is no magistrate or no minister | |
----------------------------------------- | ||
The Commission and Authority of True Ministers | ||
115 | Commission to Redeem Souls: Apply the means; pronounce soul safe when means used | |
116 | Ministers must do work of Redeemers: Pray Earnestly, Confer, Admonish, Preach | |
117 | Christian ministers should have right motive and use more energy than Muslims, etc. | |
118 | Fathers should see it as great honour to prepare their sons for the Ministry | |
118 | Those who listen to preaching of God's Word should submit to it | |
119 | Our duty to submit to rebuke, have our sins unveiled and corruptions torn up | |
119 | We must cooperate with our minister while he uncovers our souls weaknesses and purges their corruptions --> Needful to "redeem" us | |
----------------------------------------- | ||
----------------------------------------- | ||
[ Notes page 3-R ] | ||
The Calling of the Ministry Part II | ||
124 | Calling to the ministry Renewed: Extraordinary Minister confirmed again and again by very extraordinary means | |
124 | We ought to doubt those who claim an extraordinary calling and yet can scarcely show the signs of an ordinary calling. We may rightly require signs. | |
God drives his people to fear and wonderment for other reasons than anger | ||
128 | Whoever steps into ministry w/o fear puts himself forward: Doubtful he is called | |
128 | God's purpose to prevent us from presuming too much or trusting in self | |
128 | It is a special danger of ministers to have high opinions of themselves because of the high dignity of their office | |
129 | We must rejoice when God humbles us and learn to not trust in our abilities & gifts | |
129 | We must use spiritual weapons --- not carnal weapons --- in our spiritual warfare | |
130 | "Woe is me, for I am undone" shows one feels himself in same condition as a sinner humbled by the preaching of the law | |
130 | To be called to the ministry is, as it were, to be converted & regenerated | |
131 | God first humbles & casts down the prophet in the sight of God's majesty and his own misery, before he honours him with a commission to preach his word | |
131 | This work is as necessary as learning to qualify a man for this work | |
132 | The corruption of our nature is a sea of iniquity, & is more evident when God is nearer | |
132 | Godly ministers should have tender consciences --- smallest sins a matter of conscience | |
133 | Endeavour to be free from the least expression of evil and least negligence | |
133 | "A small fault in other men is a great one in ministers" | |
133 | Minister must deprive himself even of things which are lawful that his liberty be not an occasion of evil to others | |
133 | Let nothing be a blemish to his calling or a burden to his conscience | |
133 | "No man's predicament will be more miserable than a careless minister's" | |
134 | Ministers with tender consciences may be comforted by the example of Isaiah | |
134 | The more conscientious about little sins, the more like the holy prophets of old | |
135 | Every man to be assessed in terms of his calling [therefore] Ministers for use of their lips | |
135-136 | Isaiah's response in conflict with Romanist idea of merit & works | |
137 | A minister's conscience & comfort depends primarily on his preaching & clean lips | |
137 | Minister must confess the people's sins before God publicly & privately | |
138 | Magistrates & Ministers often accessories to the people's sins in various ways | |
138 | Ministers duty to know the people's sins [therefore] "to know his flocks" (Prov. 27.23.) | |
138 | [therefore] Must live among the people. Serious sin to be absent from among them | |
139 | Free confession to Pastors --- unburdening conscience --- A needful practice | |
139 | Regeneration qualifies & moderates corrupt nature but does not remove its capacity to be drawn into sin | |
140 | Experience shows that a minister moved from one people to another is variously influenced to sin by different types of people | |
Corruption of nature so great it cannot help being infected by pollution of those around us. | ||
141 | Sin spreads from people to public persons secretly but from public persons to people openly | |
141 | Sin must therefore be opposed by all and "nipped in the bud" | |
Minister should desire and endeavour to dwell w/ people who are as little polluted as possible | ||
142 | Seek a church with spiritually-minded people rather than a good stipend | |
Minister must be careful about the company with which he has private fellowship | ||
144 | A Minister who escapes being polluted with same sin as people may yet be dulled & decay in Grace | |
145 | No Rebuke / Punishment too great for a Minister who lives unholy among holy people | |
145-146 | Minister's & People's sins make God's presence a fearful thing for him | |
[ Notes page 3-V ] | ||
146 | Spiritual Shock when we realize we are in God's presence with sins he hates | |
We also fear presence of one to whom we are in debt or whom we have betrayed | ||
147-148 | Five ways the presence of God is terrible to the wicked | |
149 | It is extreme presumption for men to rashly enter the ministry | |
A great fault to preach or administer sacraments without holy & private preparation | ||
149 | Great reason to pray both before and after sermon | |
Very serious sin for men to remain in their sins but exercise the ministry | ||
150 | An unprofitable ministry where men fall away or follow profaneness of minister | |
151 | If ministers not both godly and doctrinally sound they will pull down while they build up | |
Man who presumptuously enters God's presence condemned here & tormented hereafter | ||
152 | Godly ministers may be comforted about coming into God's presence | |
153 | Rome's lies about apparitions is not consistent with rare experiences of Holy Prophets | |
153 | Perverse ideas about Mary expressed by proud & shameless men | |
154 | Manipulativeness operates through dishonest tricks | |
155 | It is a mercy to God's people that he speaks to them through men and not directly (Deut. 5.25-28) --> Remember this if minister is imperfect | |
We ought to prepare ourselves to enter God's presence when we come to Word/Sacraments | ||
156 | The least sin will make men hide from God, but holiness makes a man bold | |
157 | Forgiveness of sins is the foundation of a minister's comfort | |
158 | Be patient under God's afflictions, as God always uses Humiliation as a preparation for Grace, possibly a great work for him | |
When we feel ourselves under God's wrath, it is then we are best prepared for comfort | ||
159 | If we would have graces of God, we must "develop a conscious sense of the lack of them in ourselves" | |
160 | Angels are especially appointed to help and comfort God's ministers | |
161 | Ministry: "No Calling carries more crosses, but none brings more comfort." | |
161 | Many enemies to ministry but more with us "than those who are with them." | |
162-163 | God has "given his angels charge over all his elect" (Psalm 91.11) and they are especially interested in their fellow labourers | |
163-164 | Best service ministers can do angels is to be good & faithful, seeking the conversion of sinners, which makes angels rejoice | |
165 | Willingness and alacrity should characterize our service, whether we are ministers or anything else; like the angels fly in their business | |
166 | Angels are willing & ready to help ministers b/c they love them | |
Ministers & Magistrates should carefully & willingly serve those under them from love | ||
166 | Ministers must forget their own dignity and be "servants to all, that they may win some" --- 1 Cor. 9.19. | |
167 | God uses means, even in his miracles, which teaches us to use means diligently | |
167 | Do not depend on "immediate helps from heaven, as many credulous and unrealistic men do" | |
168 | The might power of God's ordinance appears in weakness | |
168 | We should not despise the sacraments although the elements seem weak | |
168-169 | Worthy gift to be able to speak mildly and moderately; but more necessary for minister to have a fiery tongue to reprove & repress sin: pray for it | |
169 | Minister must have his fiery tongue from the Holy Spirit: Fire from God's altar | |
169 | Must reprove Stains in the Church & Corruption in the State | |
170 | Bad fire described: censorious, lying, slanderous, malicious, contentious | |
170 | *** "God will never allow any great work to be done in his church [by such] even if his tongue is fiery and his speech powerful." | |
170 | Ambitious spirits, turbulent, etc. --> no place in the pulpit | |
[ Notes page 4-R ] | ||
170-171 | Coal applied to Isaiah's lips --> Apply the medicine of doctrine "to the time, people, and place which are actually infected." | |
171 | Things with which preachers become wrongly taken-up in their preaching | |
171-172 | God magnifies the means which he himself ordains | |
172 | As fear comes through sin so all true comfort comes from forgiveness | |
173 | Proper way to comfort: Show particular sin, Justice of God, Humility, Pardon | |
173 | Depression is treated with medicine and physical comfort | |
But the worst mental distress is a consequence of sin and needs God's forgiveness | ||
174 | No Minister well qualified for ministry unless he has repented & obtained pardon | |
174 | Minister to whose conscience God has pronounced the pardon of his own sins will most powerfully pronounce the pardon of sins to others | |
174 | God will send angels to help his ministers rather than leave them uncomforted | |
175 | Renewal of the Prophet's Commission | |
175 | Question --- "whom shall I send?" is for our sake, not God's sake | |
175 | The question expresses the difficulty of finding an able & godly minister | |
176 | Which is the real state of things even when there are too many ministers | |
176 | Lord seeking men with right priorities: Honour God & Gather his Church | |
177 | Civil rulers must reform society b/c as long as there are few places for conscientious ministers there will be many ministers w/o conscience | |
177 | Defective Footnote from Editor or Publisher | |
177 | Ministers of Universities should "look to ourselves" --- prepare to be ready for "who will go?" | |
178 | Do not be content with name & title of minister but adorn Gospel and bear burdens | |
179 | Roman Church is shameless b/c unashamed that it has so few for God to send | |
179 | No man to undertake this function "unless God calls and sends him" | |
179 | Privately "moved by the spirit" may really be Devil or vanity & pride | |
179 | All good ministers are to *wait* for God's Calling --> WAIT | |
180 | Not wise to insist on passage as proving Trinity just b/c we see the doctrine here --> Adversaries will conclude all our arguments are weak | |
180 | Use of the plural number in Isa. 6.8 and Gen. 1.26 prove plurality of persons in the deity though they do not show us the number of the plurality | |
181 | Ministers are God's servants to act as his ambassadors --> their profession & position | |
181 | Min. are not their own masters and may not seek their own pleasure, credit, or profit | |
181-182 | Min. should expect their rewards from God but not without fulfilling their service | |
Though not rewarded as we deserve, we should continue faithful b/c God's Ambassadors | ||
182 | Though we receive gifts from those to whom we are sent, yet our maintenance comes from the King who sent us | |
Personal Reflection: It may be a bar or stumbling block to a minister's freeness to depend on those to whom he is sent for his maintenance | ||
182 | Faithful Ministers will expect payment from their King & Master | |
182 | God will take mighty revenge on those who condemn or injure his ambassadors | |
Ahab, Jezebel, & Herod all found this truth | ||
182 | Must not be the servants of men if we are God's servants | |
183 | All plans, purposes, efforts from ourselves or others must accord with will of him who sends minister as his servant. | |
183 | Servants must be concerned about their Master's glory & ashamed to dishonour him | |
183 | Must not offer our own speculations or ideas but the message we received | |
[ Notes page 4-V ] | ||
183 | We may speak freely but always with discretion --> Master will make it good. | |
184 | There is a great change in Isaiah when he says: "Here am I! Send Me" | |
His fear is gone because he knows his sins are forgiven | ||
184 | Peace of Mind & Conscience must be sought in the favour of God and forgiveness | |
184 | Would-be minister who is fearful of risks should come before God, find out his sins, confess, seek pardon, and not rest until he have the voice of God's Spirit "Your sins are forgiven" --- then be ready | |
185 | Those hindered by discouragements need assurance God has pardoned and is on their side | |
185 | Prophet doesn't recommend someone else with a testimonial, but says "here am I" | |
186 | Do not linger in speculative studies if already sufficiently qualified | |
186 | Many wait too long, just as others go out too soon. | |
186 | Another warning against following private impulses: Must be clearly sent. God & Church say 'Go' | |
186 | Sit still even if qualified --- Rest content until sent | |
187 | Commission: Calling given with authority in plain & clear terms: "Go and Speak" | |
187 | Extraordinary Ministers of OT & NT always had their warrant --- clear "Go and Speak" | |
187 | Pride & Presumption for any man to go without this | |
187 | Why ministers must have warrant: Must have authority to be deputy | |
188 | (2) Commission needed to give credit to words and receive blessing on them | |
188 | (3) Need God's promise of protection and safety | |
188 | (*) Otherwise Subject to all dangers, labours w/o profit, help from no master | |
188 | God now ordinarily gives us direction by Scripture, Conscience, & Voice of the Church | |
How to Know whether God wants me to go | ||
189 | If genuinely willing, and fully and worthily qualified, then God bids you go | |
189 | *** | Conscience must judge your willingness and the Church judge your ability |
189 | *** Unless you love & desire this calling above all others you desire with wrong motive | |
189 | If you desire the call but the Church does not recognize your sufficiency, God is not sending you. | |
189 | If your conscience testifies your desire and the church approves your desire and ability and issues a public call then God himself bids you to go | |
Comparable to Repentance: Conscience tells you that you have repented, Church accepts evidence and minister pronounces pardon, then pardoned as if God said so. | ||
190 | Presumption based on private impulses and carnal motives again rebuked | |
190 | Others wrong God & the Church by opposing the Church's approval & testimony | |
190 | The Authority with which minister comes is immediate authority & commission of God | |
190 | World should fear to do any wrong to this calling or those who have this commission | |
190 | Description of what God will do for his ministers | |
191 | Ministers wages: eternal weight of comfort here and of glory in heaven | |
God will give them special welcome in heaven: | ||
"Well done, good and faithful servant, Enter into the joy of your Lord." --- Matt. 25.21. |
[ 2015.02.10. Notes Published 2015.05.30. ]