... Howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God...—Joel 1.13
LAWS AND ACTS: That is, Excerpts from the Laws, Acts, Constitutions, & Public Declarations of Sundry Nations ONCE FAVOURED WITH THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments... But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy commandments .—Nehemiah 9.13,16. |
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2. Anent the abolishing of the Pape, and his usurped authoritie. |
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2. Anent the abolishing of the Pope, and his usurped authority. |
ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord, with advise of his dearest Regent, and three Estaitis of this present Parliament, ratifyis and apprevis the Act under written, maid in the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh the 24. day of August, the zeir of God 1560. zeiris. And of new in this present Parliament, statutis and ordainis the said Act to be as ane perpetual Law, to all our Soveraine Lordis Lieges, in all times cumming. Of the quhilk the tenour followis. ITEM the three Estaitis understanding that the jurisdictioun and authoritie of the Bischop of Rome, called the Pape, used within this Realme in times bypast, hes not onely bene contumelious to the eternal God, but also very hurtful and prejudicial to our Soveraines authoritie, and common weill of this Realme. THEIRFOIR it is statute and ordained, that the Bischop of Rome, called the Pape, have na jurisdictioun nor authoritie within this Realme, in ony time cumming. And that nane of our said Soveraines subjects, in ony times heirafter, sute or desire title or richt of the said Bischop of Rome, or his sect, to ony thing within this Realme, under the paines of Barratrie, that is to say, proscription, banishment, and never to bruke honour, office, nor dignitie within this Realme. And the contraveners heirof to be called before the justice or his deputes, or before the Lords of the Session, and punisched therefoir, conforme to the Lawes of this Realme. And the furnischers of them, with finance of money, and purchassers of their title of right, or maintainers, or defenders of them, sall incurre the samin paines. And that na Bischop nor uther Prelat of this Realme, use ony jurisdiction in time cumming, be the said Bischop of Romes authoritie, under the paine foirsaid. And therefoir of newe decernis and ordainis, the contraveners of the samin, in ony time hereafter, to be punished according to the paines in the foresaid Act above rehearsed. |
ITEM, Our Sovereign Lord, with advice of his dearest Regent, and three Estates of this present Parliament, ratifies and approves the Act underwritten, made in the Parliament held at Edinburgh the 24th day of August, the year of God 1560 years. And of new in this present Parliament, statutes and ordains the said Act to be as a perpetual Law, to all our Sovereign Lord’s Lieges, in all times coming. Of the which the tenour follows: ITEM the three Estates understanding that the jurisdiction and authority of the Bishop of Rome, called the Pope, used within this Realm in times bypast, has not only been contumelious to the eternal God, but also very hurtful and prejudicial to our Sovereign’s authority, and common weal of this Realm. THEREFORE it is statute and ordained, that the Bishop of Rome, called the Pope, have no jurisdiction nor authority within this Realm, in any time coming. And that none of our said Sovereign’s subjects, in any times hereafter, sue or desire title or right of the said Bishop of Rome, or his sect, to anything within this Realm, under the pains of Barratry, that is to say, proscription, banishment, and never to bruke [hold] honour, office, nor dignity within this Realm. And the contraveners hereof to be called before the justice or his deputies, or before the Lords of the Session, and punished therefore, conform to the Laws of this Realm. And the furnishers of them, with finance of money, and purchasers of their title of right, or maintainers, or defenders of them, shall incur the same pains. And that no Bishop nor other Prelate of this Realm, use any jurisdiction in time coming, by the said Bishop of Rome’s authority, under the pain foresaid. And therefore of new decerns and ordains, the contraveners of the same, in any time hereafter, to be punished according to the pains in the foresaid Act above rehearsed. |