For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
LAWS AND ACTS: That is, Excerpts from the Laws, Acts, Constitutions, & Public Declarations of Sundry Nations ONCE FAVOURED WITH THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments... But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy commandments .—Nehemiah 9.13,16. |
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ITEM, Because that the increase of vertew, and suppressing of Idolatrie craves, that the Prince and the people be of ane perfite Religioun, quhilk of Gods mercie is now presently professed within this Realme: THEIRFORE it is statute, and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, my Lord Regent, and the three Estaites of this present Parliament, that all Kinges and Princes, or Magistrates whatsoever, halding their place, quhilkis hereafter in ony time sall happen to reigne, & beare rule over this Realme, at the time of their Coronatioun, and receipt of their Princely authority, make their faithful promise be aith, in presence of the Eternal God, That induring the haill course of their lives, they sall serve the samin Eternal God, to the uttermost of their power, according as he hes required in his maist haly word, reveiled & contained in the new and auld Testaments. And according to the samin worde sall mainteine the trew Religion of Christ Jesus, the preaching of his halie word, and dew and richt ministration of the Sacraments now received, and preached within this Realme: And sall abolish and gainstand all fals Religioun contrare to the samin: And sall rule the peopil committed to their charge, according to the will and commaund of God, reveiled in his foresaide word, and according to the lovabil Lawes, and constitutions received in this Realme, na wise repugnant to the said word of the Eternal God. And sall procure to the uttermaist of their power, to the Kirk of God, and haill Christian peopil, trew and perfite peace in all time cumming. The richtis and rentis, with all just priviledges of the Crowne of SCOTLAND, to preserve and keip inviolated, nouther sall they transfer nor alienate the samin. They sall forbid and represse in all Estaites, and degries, reife, oppression, and all kinde of wrang. In all judgementes, they sall command, and procure that Justice and equitie be keiped to all creatures, without exception, as the Lord and Father of all mercyis, be merciful to them. And out of their landes and Empyre, they sall be careful to rute out all heretikes, and enimies to the trew worship of God, that sall be convict be the trew Kirk of God, of the foirsaidis crymes. And that they sall faithfullie affirme the things above written, be their solemne aith. |
ITEM, Because that the increase of virtue, and suppressing of Idolatry craves, that the Prince and the people be of one perfect Religion, which of God’s mercy is now presently professed within this Realm: THEREFORE it is statute, and ordained by our Sovereign Lord, my Lord Regent, and the three Estates of this present Parliament, that all Kings and Princes, or Magistrates whatsoever, holding their place, which hereafter in any time shall happen to reign, & bear rule over this Realm, at the time of their Coronation, and receipt of their Princely authority, make their faithful promise by oath, in presence of the Eternal God, That enduring the whole course of their lives, they shall serve the same Eternal God, to the uttermost of their power, according as he has required in his most holy word, revealed & contained in the new and old Testaments. And according to the same word shall maintain the true Religion of Christ Jesus, the preaching of his holy word, and due and right administration of the Sacraments now received, and preached within this Realm: And shall abolish and gainstand all false Religion contrary to the same: And shall rule the people committed to their charge, according to the will and command of God, revealed in his foresaid word, and according to the loveable Laws, and constitutions received in this Realm, no wise repugnant to the said word of the Eternal God. And shall procure to the uttermost of their power, to the Kirk of God, and whole Christian people, true and perfect peace in all time coming. The rights and rents, with all just privileges of the Crown of SCOTLAND, to preserve and keep inviolate, neither shall they transfer nor alienate the same. They shall forbid and repress in all Estates, and degrees, reif [theft], oppression, and all kind of wrong. In all judgments they shall command and procure that Justice and equity be kept to all creatures, without exception, as the Lord and Father of all mercies, be merciful to them. And out of their lands and Empire, they shall be careful to root out all hereticks, and enemies to the true worship of God, that shall be convicted by the true Kirk of God, of the foresaids crimes. And that they shall faithfully affirm the things above written, by their solemn oath. |