... Howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God...—Joel 1.13
LAWS AND ACTS: That is, Excerpts from the Laws, Acts, Constitutions, & Public Declarations of Sundry Nations ONCE FAVOURED WITH THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments... But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy commandments .—Nehemiah 9.13,16. |
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ITEM Anent the artickle proponit, & geuin in be the Kirk to my Lord Regent, aud thre Estatis of this present Parliament, anent the iurisdictioun iustlie appertening to the trew Kirk, and immaculat spous of Jesus Christ: to be declarit and expressit as the artickle at mair length is consavit. ¶ The Kingis grace, with auise of my Lord Regent, and thre Estatis of this present Parliament, hes declarit, and grantit iurisdictioun to the said Kirk: quhilk consistis and standis in preicheing of the trew word of Jesus Christ, correctioú of maneris, and administratioun of haly Sacramentis. And declairis that thair is na vther face of Kirk, nor vther face of Religioun, than is presentlie be the fauour of God establischeit within this Realme. And that thair be na vther iurisdictioun ecclesiasticall acknawlegeit within this Realme, vther than that quhilk is, and salbe within the same Kirk, or that quhilk flowis thairfra cócerning the premissis. And forther, our Souerane Lord, with auise of my Lord Regent, and thre Estatis foirsaidis, hes geuin, and geuis power and commissioun to Schir James Balfour of Pettingdreich Knycht, Priour of Pettinweme, Mark Commédatour of Newbottill, Johne Priour of Coldinghame, Lord preuie Seill, Maister James Mackgill, of Rankelour nether, Clerk of Register, Williame Maitland zounger of Lethingtoun, Secretar to our Souerane Lord, Schir Johne Bellenden, of Auchinoull Knycht, Justice Clerk, Johne Erskin of Dune, Maister Johne Spottiswod, Superintendent of Lowthiane, Johne Knox, Maister Johne Craig, and Maister Dauid Lindesay Ministeris of the word of God. To seirche furth mair speciallie, & to considder quhat vther speciall pointis, {folio xiii. recto} or clausis, sould appertene to the iurisdictioun, priuilege, and authoritie of the said Kirk. And to declair thair myndis thairanentis, to my Lord Regent, and thre Estatis of this Realme, at the nixt Parliamét. Swa, that thay may tak ordour thairintill, and authoreis the samin be act of Parliament, as salbe fund aggreabill to the word of God. |