Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him.—Rev. 1.7

[Laws and Acts: Excerpts provided by]

That is,
Excerpts from the
Laws, Acts, Constitutions, &
Public Declarations
of Sundry Nations


King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven,
and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes
and commandments... But they and our fathers dealt proudly,
and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to
thy commandments
.—Nehemiah 9.13,16.

Reign:Edward VI
Parliament:The Second Parliament of King Edward the Sixth (1548-11-04 — 1549-03-14)
Session:Only Session of the Second Parliament of Edward VI

29. ¶ The .xxix. Chapiter.
¶ An Acte agaynst Sodomy.

FOR asmuche as there is not at thys presente tyme any sufficient and condigne punishement appoynted by due course of the lawes of thys Realme, for the detestable vyce of Buggorie[1]: Be it therfore enacted by the assente of the Kynges hyghnes, the Lordes Spirituall and temporal and the Commons in this presente Parliament assembled, that all and euerie offendour or offendours in that cryme, after the fyrst daye of Aprill nexte ensuyng, beyng thereof conuicted, or attaynted by verdicte, confessyon, outlarye, or otherwise, shal suffer such paynes of death, without loss of goods or landes, or any other cómodite, his only life excepted, as felons cóuicted or attainted of felonie ben accustomed to do, touching thesayed paynes of deathe, by the Common lawes of thys Realme: And that no suche person shall enioye the priuelege or benefyte of hys or theyr Clergie or Sanctuary: And that the Justices of Peace shall haue full power and aucthoritie, wythin the lymytes of theyr Commission, and Jurisdictions, to here and determine thesayd offence, touchyng thesayd paynes of death, as they doo, and haue used to doo in cases of Felonie: Sauyng to the wyfe and chyldren the heyres and successours, & administratours of thesayd offendour or offendours, and all other persones, and bodyes politique, other then thesayed offendour or offendours, all such ryght, tytle, clayme, and interest, to al & euery thesayd offendour, or offendours, goodes, landes, and hereditamentes, as they, or any of thé myght haue, or ought to haue had, yf the said offendor or offendors had died his or theyr natural death, or had neyther in this case, neyther by any other meane offended any of the Kynges lawes.

PROVIDED that no maner of person bee empeched or molested for thesayed offence by reason of thys presente Acte, excepte the sayed person bee endicted of thesayed offence wythin syxe Monethes nexte and immediatlie folowyng the tyme of commyttyng of the same. And that no person bee receyued for wytnes, or to laye or geue euidence agaynst thesayed offendour, as vpon whose credite the enquest shoulde enfourme them selfe, whyche person shoulde take any profite or commoditie by the deathe of thesayed offendour, yf he were attaynted or conuicted of thesayed cryme and offence: Nor that any suche attayndour shall make any corrupcion of bloude to the heyre or heyres of suche offendour or offendours.

1. The following sites contain relevant information about the history of laws against Sodomy in England and in America: