For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2






Of divers




For themſelves, and in name of many others

well-affected Miniſters, Elders, and

People in SCOTLAND.




RUTHERFORD, and diverſe others;

To the Ministers and Elders met

at EDINBURGH July 21.


Printed at Leith by Evan Tyler.  1652.

Unto the Reverend the Miniſters and

Elders met at Edinburgh July 21. 1652.

It is repreſented by the Miniſters, Elders, and Profeſſors

under ſubſcribing for themſelves, and in the name

of many others well-affected Miniſters,

Elders and People.

IT is matter of unspeakable grief and sorrow, to consider how great Indignation the Lord hath let forth against us, heaping wrath upon wrath, and making one Judgment to follow another, as the waves of the Sea, and for the most part, the fruits thereof through the Land, have been no other than further departing from his ways, and dividing one from another in judgment and affection.  Our breach is wide as the Sea, and who can heal it?  Spiritual Judgments especially are multiplied upon us, Temptations abound, and Divine Influences are restrained.  He hath poured upon us the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle, and it hath set us on fire round about, yet we knew it not, and it burneth us, yet we lay it not to heart.  There is no returning to the Lord, his hand is stretched out still; and is there not great cause to fear, lest the glory of the Lord should depart from amongst us?  It were good for us, if we could (with Jerusalem) remember all our desirable things which we had in the days of old, and compare them with the days of our misery and affliction.  If we look back to that which we have already attained of the Work of Reformation (notwithstanding our shortcoming in the power and practice of godliness) what purity was there of worship? what soundness of Doctrine? Unity of faithful Pastors? order and authority of Assemblies?  What endeavours for promoving the power of godliness? for purging of the Ministry, Judicatories and Armies? and for employing such in places of {4} power and trust, as were of constant integrity and good affection to the Cause, and of blameless conversation.  And again, if we consider how in place of these, within these two years, have succeeded for unity, division; for order, confusion; for purity of worship, outward contempt; for the power of godliness, Atheism and profaneness; for purging of the Ministry, Judicatories and Armies, sinful mixtures; for zeal, lukewarmness and toleration.  It is too palpable, that we are far gone on in the way of declining, having lost much of that which we had attained, and that which remains being ready to die.  If we look before us, it seems now there is a wide door open for conjunction with all parties, in case of straits and necessities.  How subtle are the devices of Satan, to make use of the same bad principle, for contrary ends, and may we not make use of what was said in former times, to the declining children of this Church?  How will posterity blame us that we have not resisted the beginnings of evils?  Shall not their hearts mourn, when they shall behold so fair a Fabric, so dearly conquest, so firmly grounded, to be so pitifully ruined by their fathers?  If we look inward to our own hearts, whether we have had most of the Lord’s Spirit with us in the old ways, or the late; and whether our spirits were then more with the Lord, or now?  It is easy to judge: If we look about us on every hand, what hardening is there of Adversaries of all sorts? what offence given to the weak, who see changes of parties, and fear change of Principles and Interests, when they perceive conjunction with those against whom the Covenant was made, and deserting of these for whom it was made; and see mens interests preferred to the Lord’s; sinful mixtures make way for sinful separations, and the preferring of man’s interest to God’s, makes our Adversaries to be exalted over us.  Thus he writes our sin upon our judgment; and because we trusted his Interests to his Adversaries; therefore he gives up our interests to the power of our Adversaries; and Judgment hath entered by the door, which Policy had locked fastest.  It was the complaint of the non-Conformists of old, that Conformity was preferred to the duties of the first and second Table; for if a Minister were conform, gross faults were passed over in silence; and if he were not conform, though an able, painful, and gracious Pastor, and blameless in his conversation, yet he was the object of persecution.  This was held by the non-Conformists, a sure sign of defection in the Church: We wish there were nothing like this amongst us, and that insufficient {5} and scandalous Ministers, made not a Sanctuary of the Publick Resolutions.  What acts are made against Expectants, Students, and Professors, which are not of this judgment, we desire may be remembered, And we have it to regret, That too many make it their practice upon this ground, to debar such as would be useful in the Lord’s Vineyard.  How great influence this hath also had, and may farther have in all Elections, we need not mention.  How much precious time have the publick resolutions caused to be spent in debates, and thereby many diversions from most necessary duties, &c. is matter of great stumbling, both to the weak, and to strangers which are amongst us, that gross ignorance and scandals are not only to be found in Professors uncensured, but also amongst Elders; and that many Ministers are not only careless to instruct the ignorant, and to endeavour, that scandals may be censured, but some are openly given to the same themselves, and not only no course taken to censure them, but some who have been justly censured for profaneness and malignancie, are re-admitted; and unqualified Expectants in some places, put in the Ministry.  The approbation of the publick Resolutions being made a main part of qualification.  We hope it will be easily acknowledged on all hands, that there hath been a great backsliding of heart from the Lord; for which we are filled with our own ways; We trust also that there be few that will deny, that the Lord’s quarrel against us is for his broken Covenant; and therefore it is, that he hath threatened against us, as against Israel, not only that we shall not be a Kingdom, but that we shall not be a Nation, nor a Church, but put away by a Bill of divorce.  It is high-time for us then to search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.  Let us examine by what way we have departed from him, that by the same steps we may return, wherein the Land hath declined from their sworn Covenant with the Lord, and known principles, before this ruin came upon us; and wherein they have sithence further departed, by staying upon those that smote them, and forsaking the Lord, the Covenanted God of this Nation.  It was unto us no small matter of grief and trouble, that the testimonies given the last year against the Public Resolutions of the Commission of the General Assembly 1650. and against the Meeting at S. Andrews and Dundee and their proceedings, was looked upon by many (of whom we desire to judge charitably) as not proceeding from principles of conscience, but as a Compliance with the Invaders of the Land.  Blessed {6} be the Lord our God, who knowing our Innocency and integrity, hath made that cloud of reproach so clear to evanish, as we trust we are now freed from that calumny, in the judgments and consciences of all judicious and charitable men.  There is another advantage on your part, that you are now free from the temptations, which induced many to act and concur in these Resolutions, for necessity was mainly pretended for what was done; which now, these temptations being removed, can have no place for a ground, to renew and react the same proceedings.  We may also add, that time hath fully discovered, and clearly determined, how just ground there was on our part to oppose the admitting of these men, concerning whom the contest was the last year, into places of power and trust over the Work and People of God.  An Overture was made to us at our Meeting in Winter last, That we would desist from making use of any power derived from the General Assembly 1650.  And we conceived we had ground to expect on the other hand, that no use should have been made of any power, by virtue of the Meeting at S. Andrews and Dundee.  And that in the mean time, endeavour should have been used for agreement, which was assayed by us once, and again; but the advantages of the time having settled on another quarter than that season wherein the Overture was made, did seem to promise to such who did not well consider principles and parties.  It is now fallen out otherwise, and by power from them, without any agreement you are now convened.  In the Meeting at S. Andrews, it was earnestly desired, that there might have been an Adjournment, which through the Lord’s blessing, might have prevented much of the division that hath since fallen out, and the differences that were amongst us, might have been more easily removed.  The breach is now wider, and only the strong hand of the Lord can help us.  If you should now again proceed to assume unto your selves the power, and constitute yourselves into a General Assembly, we look upon it as a very great obstruction in the way of our agreement, and (as that which for ought we can yet see) may heighten the difference: The Lord is calling to Holiness, and to return to the Work of Reformation, and purging the Church according to the Word of God, and approven rules of this Kirk, and not to confirm the last years proceedings, which were the chief ground of our Divisions.  It is a thing beyond all question in reason, that all doubts and objections proponed, concerning the constitution of an Assembly, {7} ought to precede the constitution, and not to follow after it.  When the question is determined, sad experience may teach us from former times, what influence an Assembly hath according to its constitution, right or wrong; for which cause, the General Assembly 1639. did determine the keeping and authorizing corrupt General Assemblies, to be one of the chief causes of the many evils which had befallen this Church in time of defection.  We do therefore with all tenderness and due respect, earnestly beseech, That you will timeously consider, how inconvenient and unwarrantable it is for you, to constitute yourselves into a General Assembly; and to assume the Power and Authority thereof, not only when the Authority by which you are convened, is so much questioned, and such prelimitations are upon the elections of Commissioners; but when you also want the concurrence of so many Presbyteries, who are not clear in their consciences to concur with you.  And when you want the concurrence of Commissioners from Burrows, who by reason of their present incapacity, cannot send Commissioners to sit in any Assembly.  And when the far greater part of Commissions from Presbyteries, and Universities are questioned and contraverted, by Dissents and Protestations in their meetings for Election; and some by reason of usurpation of them who are no Presbyteries: So that we know not how few can be admitted unquestioned Members; and besides, we beseech you, consider how great a snare your former actings which were not to Edification, have been to some people to tempt them to the way of separation, and to the shaking of the Government of this Church, from which as we desire to be kept free as from a course highly displeasing to God, and impedimental to Reformation, So we desire you may not tempt them further, and lay new snares in the way of any, by your not right using of so precious an Ordinance of Christ, as are the Assemblies of this Church.  Upon these, and other grounds, we are constrained to make this Application to you, That without assuming any such power unto your selves, you would be pleased to appoint a Conference with us, wherein we may (with the Lord’s Assistance) search out the causes of his wrath against us, and freely and friendly debate concerning our Differences, and propone Overtures, and Remedies for removing both the one and the other: In order thereunto, we offer these Propositions herewith communicated, for the Subject of our Conference; it being our earnest desire, that an agreement being made, {8} we may through the Lord’s blessing, have a free, and lawful well constituted General Assembly.  And now having laid these our thoughts and desires before you, we do solemnly obtest you by the Meekness, and Gentleness of Christ, by his Consolations, and the comfort of his Love, and by the fellowship of the Spirit: If there be any bowels and mercies, by the affection which you bear to the Word of Truth, to the Peace and Order of this Church, to the Lord’s precious Ordinances, and to his people in this generation, and to the posterity, that you will take these things into your serious consideration, and hearken to our Request.  Who knoweth but the Lord may have compassion on our condition, and bring the blind by a way they know not, lead them in paths they have not known, make darkness light before us, and crooked things straight?  Even do all these things unto us, and not forsake us.

Propositions offered to the meeting

of Ministers, and others,

At Edinb. July the 21. 1652.

WHereas we, and many of the Godly in the Land, have been really scandalized, and stumbled at the late Acts, and proceedings relating to public resolutions, conceiving the same in the nature and intention of the Work, to have obstructed and shaken the Work of Reformation (although we think honourably of divers Godly and learned men, who have been concurring in the same, and dare not judge their intentions to be such as we think their work hath been, and do allow charity to others) Therefore for satisfaction, of our Consciences, and for the securing the Work of Reformation, for purging the Church, and for promoving the power of Godliness, and for removing of the sad differences, and for attaining and preserving a good understanding, We desire,

I. That they give evidence, and assurance that they approve of, and will adhere unto, our Covenants, and the solemn Public Confession of sins, and engagement to Duties, and all the Acts of the uncontraverted Assemblies of this Church, for advancing the work of Reformation, in the Literal and Genuine sense and meaning thereof: And that in dispensing of the Ordinances, censuring of {9} scandalous persons, receiving of Penitents, trying, admitting, removing & deposing of Church officers, they walk according to the same.

II. That it may be laid seriously to heart before the Lord, how after such a defection, and so sad judgments for it, the Lord may be restored to his Honour, the Land to his Favour, and the like defection prevented in time coming.

III. That as we are ready in our station to follow all religious & conscionable means, and overtures for securing, and guarding of the Cause and Work of God against Error, Heresy, and Schism, on the one hand: So they would hold out to us a solid way for securing the same, against dangers from Malignancy on the other.  And we desire to know what shall be the Characters in time coming by which Malignants may be known, and judged.

IV. That a real and effectual course be taken, according to the established Rule of this Kirk, for purging out, and holding out all such from being Church-Officers as have not the positive qualifications required in the Word of God, and Acts of this Kirk; particularly, that Ministers deposed by lawful Assemblies, who have intruded themselves, or have been unwarrantably restored by Synods, and Presbyteries to their charges, contrary to the Form, and Order prescribed in the Acts of Assemblies, be removed, and condign censures inflicted, and that sufficient provision be made for preventing the like in time coming.

V. That effectual means be fallen upon, and followed for censuring of all Scandals, and scandalous persons, and casting out of these who shall be found grossly, and obstinately scandalous, or ignorant, after they are made inexcusable by sufficient means, and pains taken for their instructing, and reclaiming.

VI. That some course more effectual than any hath been fallen upon hitherto, may be condescended upon, for putting in execution the Acts of this Kirk, anent debarring from the Lord’s Table such persons, who are found not to walk suitable to the Gospel, and have not the knowledge to examine themselves, and to discern the Lord’s Body.

VII. That in the receiving of Penitents, care may be had, that none be admitted to the public Profession of Repentance, or reconciled to the Church, but these who are found to give such evidence of their Repentance, as is expressed in the Acts of the Assemblies, concerning the receiving of Penitents. {10}

VIII. That an effectual course may be taken for securing of the Work and People of God, from the harm and evil consequences which hath already, and may further ensue from the late pretended Assembly, at St. Andrews, and Dundee, and the Acts thereof, and for preserving the right constitution of free General Assemblies for time to come.

Subscribed in name of many Ministers, Elders, and Professors throughout the Land, who desire Truth and Peace, by

Mr. Andrew Cant.

Unto the Reverend, the Ministers and

Elders met at Edinburgh July 21. 1652.

The Protestation of the Ministers, Elders, and Professors

under subscribing for themselves, and in name of

many others well-affected Ministers,

Elders and People.

IT is so well known to divers of your number, what peaceable endeavours we have used without success, in order to the removing of the differences that are amongst us, that we shall not trouble you therewith; nor how we were neglected in the sending timeous advertisements for your last Meeting in this place, where a desire of reconciliation was presented, but peremptorily the electing and sending of Commissioners from Presbyteries, to keep the day indicted by the pretended authority of the Meeting at Dundee, was concluded on as the only mean to heal our breach; and not so much as some few days of delay could be obtained, by these few of our number which were then present, whereby they might give advertisement to others.  We have laboured with some in private, and have given a Paper to all in publick, with some Propositions, wherein we have the concurrence of the generality of the Godly in the Land, earnestly entreating a conference, wherein we might have opportunity with the Lord’s assistance, to have laid before you the Causes of the Lord’s controversy against the Land, and how we might be united in the Lord; being ready also to have heard what {11} you should offer to us upon the same subject; but this ye have denied unto us, and proceeded to assume the power, and constitute yourselves into a General Assembly.  It is a burden upon our spirits, and we have no delight to be contesting with, and opposing any who profess themselves to be maintainers of the Government of this Kirk; but the truth is (with grief of heart we desire to speak it; for we think that it doth much provoke the Lord, and threaten his departure from the Land) that although with the renewing of the National Covenant, and with the casting out of Prelates, and the corruptions introduced by them, the Lord was graciously pleased to give repentance to not a few, who were involved in that defection; yet since that time there hath always remained a corrupt party of insufficient, scandalous, and ill-affected Ministers in this Kirk, enemies to the power of Godliness, and Obstructers of the Work of Reformation, and purging of the Kirk, whereof many were sworn Vassals to the Prelates (as we are able to make good by their subscriptions to horrid oaths) this party complied with the times, and pretended for Reformation, though they were groaning under it as a heavy yoke which they could not endure, as did appear by their carriage and expressions, upon several occasions, when any revolution offered them the opportunity of discovering their minds, particularly in the time of James Graham’s prevailing, and of the Engagement against England; and having of late gotten a greater advantage than at any time before, since the beginning of this Reformation, by the public Resolutions and actings of the Commission for bringing in of the Malignant party, to places of power and trust, and bearing down of such as were opposers of these Resolutions, and had been faithful and straight in the Cause, and stirring up the Civil Magistrate against them, subjecting also the liberty of the Word in the mouth of Christ’s Ambassadors for the reproof of sin, to the immediate judicial cognizance, restraint and censure of the Civil Magistrate, contrary to the many Acts and practices of our Predecessors grounded on the Word of God, and our Covenants, having the countenance of King, State and Army, and diverse worthy and gracious men (of whom we shall ever esteem honourable, and love them dearly) upon consideration of the straits and pressures of the time, concurring also with them in the Public Resolutions, that Party perceiving, that they were not able to endure trial in a time of Reformation and purging, began the last year to lift up their heads, and speak the language of their {12} own, being much encouraged by the Constitution, Acts and Censures of the pretended Assembly at S. Andrews and Dundee, they have so strengthened themselves by their practices since in the judicatories of the Kirk, as they now carry the determination thereof to their own ends.  And may we not with sad hearts say, what can be expected from such of whom we have experience, how forward they are to favour wicked men, and every evil course, to persecute such as make conscience to seek the Lord in sincerity of heart, and suppress the power of godliness, and to open the door of the Ministry to such as for insufficiency, scandals, or disaffection, have been justly deposed, and to bring in the like.  In regard whereof, we wish there were not too great cause to make use of the words of the Prophet, I have seen also in the Prophets of Jerusalem, saith the Lord, a horrid thing, they strengthen the hands of evil doers, that none doth return from his wickedness: therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the Prophets, Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall; for from the Prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.  These things we speak not to reflect upon the Ordinances of Jesus Christ in this Land; it shall be our steadfast purpose (as the Lord shall enable us) to maintain the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government of this Kirk, and particularly the National Assemblies, which we look upon as a rich privilege, and special blessing from Heaven, for suppressing errour on the one hand, and profaneness on the other, so long as they are preserved from corruption in the constitution thereof.  And, we trust, all who are acquainted with the principles and practices of our worthy Predecessors, and of the learned and godly non-Conformists in England, will easily see how far we are from their judgments who follow the ways of separation.  We hold it our duty, firmly to adhere to the Church of Scotland, wherein (through the Lord’s goodness) we do this day enjoy the purity of Doctrine and Worship, and the Government which Christ hath appointed in his House, though there be corruptions in the Constitution of a pretended Assembly.  Whereby we are deprived of the benefit of a free, lawful, and well constitute Assembly for the present; where we meet with corruptions, we shall (the Lord assisting) disclaim and oppose them.  And herein we have the approbation of the first and second Assembly of this Kirk, in the beginning of this last Reformation; the one annulling and declaring void six several {13} Assemblies, upon many of the same grounds, for which we do protest against the present corrupt Assemblies.  And the other having clearly determined the keeping, and Authorizing corrupt General Assemblies, to have been one of the chief causes of the many evils which have befallen this Church.  We trust in the Lord our God, that our Actions shall abundantly witness for us in this respect, and so we shall not further insist upon it.  We have clear grounds in Scripture to warrant us to plead, and testify against Corruption; and therefore being sensible that there is a course of defection carried on in the Church, we have endeavoured, first to prevent the same, in the beginnings thereof, and afterward to give Testimony against it, as it comes to be discovered to us;  We have since studied in a Christian, and brotherly way, to reclaim the Authors thereof, and these that have concurred with them, and now when still we perceive our labours and endeavours to be without success, as we profess our adherence to former Testimonies against the late Defection, so we are necessitated to add this upon the grounds before mentioned; and for all, or some of the Reasons following.

I. This meeting hath dependence upon, and the power and authority to which it can lay claim; for the indiction thereof is derived from the pretended Assembly which met at St. Andrews, and adjourned to Dundee, which being unfree, unlawful, and corrupt, cannot derive or communicate to another that which it had not in itself.

II. It is constitute after the same manner (for the most part) of the Members constituted as the former pretended Assembly, of Persons which were Authors, and Abettors of, and have carried on a course of defection in this Church, contrary to the Word of God, the solemn League and Covenant, the solemn Engagement, and the express Acts and Declarations of the Kirk, which Persons being under so great a scandal, are by the Acts of the Kirk incapable to be Members of General Assemblies.

III. Because of the pre-limitation of Election by the Acts made at Dundee, enjoining Provincial Synods, and Presbyteries to proceed with the Censures of the Kirk against Ministers, Students, Expectants, & Professors, who altogether opposed the Public Resolutions, or shall not acquiesce to the Acts made at Dundee; and so excludes all who are not involved in the course of defection, as incapable of election, which is a corrupt rule for election and constituting Assemblies; {14} and in pursuance thereof, there were several pre-limitations made since by several Synods, and Presbyteries, in their Acts, Ratifying the Proceedings of the pretended Assembly at Dundee.

IV. There are many Presbyteries who have expressly refused to send Commissioners to this meeting as an Assembly, and who do concur in Protesting against the same, and where Presbyteries have sent Commissioners, the Elections are generally contraverted, there being Protestations made, or at least dissents entered against most of their Elections upon good grounds, conform to the Acts of the Kirk; also there be wanting Commissioners from Burrows, who in regard of their present incapacity, cannot send Commissioners.  The generality of the godly in the Land go along with us, and approve our protesting against this meeting, as an unlawful and corrupt Assembly.

Therefore from the zeal we owe to the glory of God, to this Cause and Truth, the Duty of our Callings, as set for the defence of the Gospel, and according to our Covenant, wherein we are bound to prevent, and reveal all parties and courses contrary thereunto, from the sense of the awful judgments of an angry God, both felt, and feared for these begun, and continued in defections, that we may according to the example of our forefathers, acquit ourselves as guiltless of this growing Apostacy to the present age, and transmit to our posterity the right Constitution of free and lawful General Assemblies, and to prevent the Lord’s giving a Bill of divorce to the Land.  We do hereby solemnly Declare and Protest, against the Constitution, Authority, Acts, and Proceedings of this pretended Assembly met at Edinburgh, and particularly against their ratifying or renewing the former defection, in the matter of Public Resolutions, and against their entering into any the like Confederacy, or association with any party opposite in Principles, and Practices to the Word, Work, Covenant, Cause, and People of God in this Land, against their appointing of Commissions, emitting of Declarations, Warnings, Causes of Humiliation, and against their receiving and discussing of Appeals, References, and Dissents, or doing any thing competent to a free, lawful General Assembly, and that neither the Authority, Acts, or Censures of the meeting at St. Andrews, and Dundee, or of this present Meeting, shall be obligatory to any Synod, Presbytery, Minister, Elder, or Member of this Church.  And we do humbly beseech and implore the Lord our God, {15} that he will not look upon these your proceedings as the deeds of the representative of the Kirk of Scotland, nor impute the same into the Collective Body; But that he would be pleased in his mercy, freely to pardon all our transgressions.  And we do further protest, that the General Assembly 1650. be held and accounted in this Church as the last free and lawful General Assembly; And that it shall be lawful to us, and every one of us, to continue in the full and free exercise of our Function, and in our Callings and stations to observe and keep the former good old Principles, Declarations, and Acts of the lawful and free General Assemblies of this Kirk, notwithstanding any Declarations, Warnings, Proceedings, and Censures of the said Meetings at St. Andrews, Dundee, and Edinburgh, or any Commission following therefrom, or any exemption thereof, by any other; and likewise that it shall be lawful to convene in a free General Assembly, when the Lord shall give opportunity.  And lastly, We do Protest, that it shall be lawful to us to give in to this Meeting, or publish to the World, or to present to the first free and lawful General Assembly this our Protestation, and to enlarge the same as shall be found most to conduce to the honour of God, the good of his Work, comfort of his People, and for our exoneration.  In Testimony thereof, We subscribe thir [these] presents, and do take Instruments.

The Names of the Ministers who subscribed

the fore-going Protestation.

M. Andrew Cant.

M. James Ker.

M. Samuel Rutherfurd.

M. John Scot.

M. Robert Trail.

M. John Vetche.

M. John Sterline.

M. William Guthrie.

M. John Nevay.

M. Ralph Rodgers.

M. Matthew Mowat.

M. George Nairne.

M. John Livingstoun.

M. William Oliphant.

M. Ja. Guthrie.

M. And. Donaldsone.

M. Pat. Gillespie.

M. Robert Stidman.

M. James Symsone.

M. Ephraim Melvill. {16}

M. Hew Kennedy.

M. Iohn Sinclar.

M. Iohn Cleland.

M. Iohn Gray.

M. Gilbert Kennedy.

M. Robert Ferguson.

M. Al. Livingstoun.

M. James Ferguson.

M. Tho. Ramsey.

M. Iohn Crafurd.

M. William Wishart.

M. Harie Simpil.

M. William Iack.

M. Robert Rue.

M. Iohn Dicksone.

M. Io. Macmichan

M. Iam. Donaldsone.

M. Iohn Mean.

M. Francis Aird.

M. Iames Ruat.

M. Robert Keith.

M. Samuel Row.

M. Iohn Sempil.

M. Iohn Durie.

M. Iames Wallace.

M. Will. Somervell.

M. David Swann.

M. Iohn Hamilton.

M. Gilbert Hall.

M. Iames Nisbet.

Mr. Will. Somervell.

M. Robert Lockhart.

Mr. Adam Kae.

M. Daniel Douglas.

Mr. Alex. Dunlop.

M. Gabriel Maxwel.

Mr. George Gladstaines.

M. Robert Broun.

M. Arthur Mitchel.

M. Iohn Lithgow.

M. Alex. Turnbull.

M. Robert Lockart.

M. Tho. Wyllie.

M. Iohn Hamilton.

M. Iames Tuedie.

M. Will. Ferguson.

M. Pat. Macclellan.

Sixty seven. {17}

Elders, Professors, and Expectants, many

of whom subscribed not only in their

own Names, but in the Name of others, from whom

they were sent to the Meeting.

Lord Kilcudbright.

Rob. Iack.

Sir. Arch. Iohnstoun.

William Gordoun.

Sir. Iohn Cheislie.

Robert Cannoun.

Sir. Andrew Ker.

William Gordoun.

William Bruce.

William Creickton.

Alex. Pringle of Whitebank.

Iam. Mosman.

Sir. Walter Riddel

Iohn Cannoun.

Walter Pringle of Greenkno.

Iohn Lamb.

Colonell Robert Halked.

Iohn Thomson.

Sir. Tho. Nicolsone.

William Meik.

I. Dundas of Dudinstoun.

Iames Selkirk.

I. Hepburne of Smeitoun.

William Crafurd.

Pat. Whartlaw.

Iohn Maclinchie.

Peter Rollock of Piltoun.

David Coventry.

M. Arch. Iohnstoun of Hiltoun.

Cap. And. Arnot.

Francis Galloway.

Tho. Bannatyn.

Will. Broun of Dolphingtoun.

George Pringle.

William Laurie of Blakewood.

William Douglas.

M. Iohn Sprewil.

Iames Masson.

Alex. Gordoun of Knockgray.

David Park.

Alex. Forbes Tutor of Pitsligo.

M. Wil. Duguid.

M. Iohn Inglis of Cramount.

Quintin Makadam.

Iohn Cranstoun of Glenn.

Iohn Stother.

Major Robert Stuart.

Iohn Dickson.

Iames Gray.

M. Iohn Douglas.

Iames Kirkco.

David Mure.

M. Arch. Porteous.


Iohn Nairn.

Geo. Dickson.

M. Tho. Stuart.

Rob. Bruce.

M. Iohn Pearson.

Edward Gordown.

And. Adirson.

John Myln.

Patr. Listoun.

Mr. James Stuart.

Iames Spittell of K.

Alexander Mershall.

M. And. Rutherfurd.

James Hill.

M. Geo. Walker.

James Morison.

Iam. Greirson.

Mr. John Justice.

Iames Hamilton.

William Falconer.

Iohn Tait.

Mr. Peter Kidd.

A. Iohnstoun.

Andrew Kirkco.

David Matthie.

Pat. Anderson.

Tho. Douglas.

James Melros.

Jam. Bruce.

Mr. Jo. Crookshank younger.

John Gordown.

Mr. Alexander Jamison.  95.

Besides divers others, some of whose names could not well be read; others being with-drawn by their necessary affairs, were not present with the rest in time of Subscribing, and the many hundreds of the well-affected throughout the Land, who have by these whom they sent abundantly shown their love to the business, and will Subscribe with their own hands when they have opportunity.

The Names of the Ministers who presented

these Papers.

Mr. Andr. Cant.

Mr. John Livingston.

Mr. Sam. Rutherford.

Mr. James Guthry. {19}

Mr. Matth. Mowat.

Mr. Sam. Row.

Mr. Patr. Gillespie.

Mr. James Nasmith.

Mr. Ephraim Melvil.

Mr. Jam. Symson.

Mr. Will. Oliphant.

Mr. James Ker.

Mr. Rob. Trail.

Mr. John Dickson.

Mr. Rob. Keith.

Mr. Thom. Wyllie.

Mr. Alex. Livingston.

The Names of the Ruling Elders,

and Professors.

Lord Kirkudbright.

Laird of Blair.

Tutor of Pitsligo.


Sir. And. Ker of Greenheed.

Walt. Pringle of Greenknow.

Sir. Archibald Johnston of   Wariston.

J. Johnston of Hilton.

John Graham.

Sir. John Chiesley.

Mr. John Spoul.

Col. Rob. Halket.

Mr. William Ferguson.

J. Dundas of Duddiston.

Smeatoun Hepburn.

Sir. Walter Riddell.

Alex. Gordoun of Knock­gray

Sir. William Bruce.

These 35. were nominated and appointed by their meeting, to present the Papers.

UPon Thursday, the meeting of Protesters did divide themselves in four several Committees, to think upon, {19} and confer about Overtures, how to make the matters of their Propositions practicable and effectual in their own stations, according to their capacities.  And the next morning, the mind of the several Committees upon that matter being reported in writ. The several clerks of these Committees were appointed to meet together, and draw up in one Paper, all that was reported, which being done, there was another Committee appointed to meet upon it, and to consult and advise more deliberately thereanent, and to report their diligence upon Munday to the whole Meeting, whereby it appears that they do really, and seriously mind the work themselves, which they proposed to others, which will appear the more by their Resolutions, when they come forth after the Overtures are digested, and fully agreed upon.