... Howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God...—Joel 1.13
Documents from the United Societies
The Informatory Vindication. (1687.)
A Warning from the General Meeting to beware of Mr. John Adamson, unsent Preacher. (1713.)
The Declaration Published at Auchensaugh nigh Dowglass. (1718.)
A Confutation of a Scandalous Pamphlet, (Peter Grant's Manifesto). (1724.)
Queries to be put to Elders at their Admission. (1732.)
The Declaration and Testimony Published at Mount-Herick, near Crawfurd-John. (1741.)
History and Martyrology
A Short Relation of the State of the Kirk of Scotland, 1638.—History of the Presbyterian Church from the end of the First Reformation until the beginning of the Second Reformation.
A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ: &c., &c.
The Dying Testimony of James Howie, with a Narrative of his Sufferings.
A Short Account of the Old Presbyterian Dissenters, Published by the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland, 1806.
Documents & Writings prior to the Constitution of the Reformed Presbytery
A Modest Reply to a Pamphlet, entitled A Letter from a Friend to Mr. John McMillan, 1710. (Early Defence of R.P. Principles & Terms of Communion.)
The Reasons of Mr. Alexander Craighead's receding from the present Judicatures of this Church, together with its Constitution, 1743. (Early American assertion of Covenanter principles and Reasons for dissenting from the PCUSA.)
Documents from the Reformed Presbytery of Scotland
Constitution of the Reformed Presbytery and Ordination Sermon by Thomas Nairn. (1745.)
Three Propositions on the Mediatorial Dominion of Christ. (1754.)
The Act, Declaration, and Testimony for the Whole of the Covenanted Reformation. (1761.)
The Constitution of the Associate-Reformed Synod... Testified Against. (1787.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1759.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1767.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1768.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1772.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1773.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1776.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1777.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1778.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1779.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1780.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1781.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1782.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1783.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1784.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1786.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1788.)
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1789.)
A Short Directory for Religious Societies. (1782, republished 1881.)
A Testimony and Warning Against Some Prevailing Sins & Immoralities. (1805.)
A Pastoral Letter to the Old Dissenters Concerning Family & Social Duties. (1808.)
Minutes of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and Societies.
Documents from the Reformed Presbytery in America
Act for a Day of Fasting, with the Causes thereof. (1795.)
The "Preamble and Resolutions" and The Reformed Presbytery's "Deed of Constitution" of 1840.
A Short Directory for Religious Societies. (republished 1881.)
Minutes of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and Societies.
Documents from the Reformed Presbyterian Church — American Synod
Argument for the Jury Law—1834.
Argument on the Magistrate’s Power Circa-Sacra—1834.
Argument on the Arminian Controversy—1836.
A Testimony against the U.S. Constitution—1839.
A Testimony for Public Covenanting—1839.
Documents from the Reformed Presbyterian Church — Scottish Synod
A Summary of Christian Practice, excerpted from Synod’s 1837 Testimony.
Of Scripture Prophecy, or A Statement of the R.P. Church’s Official Eschatology, 1821-1865, etc.
Documents from the Reformed Presbyterian Church — Irish Synod
R.P. Church of Ireland relative to the RPCNA’s Testimony against the U.S. Government.
Declaration of the Principles of the R.P. Synod in Ireland on the Subject of Civil Government, 1837.
The Renovation of the Covenants at Dervock, Ireland, 1853.
A Brief Testimony Against Several Sectarian Movements of Later Times, 1875.
Of Scripture Prophecy, or A Statement of the R.P. Church’s Official Eschatology, 1900-1912, etc.
Documents from the Reformed Presbyterian Church (after the dissolving of Presbytery)
Minutes of a General Correspondence, & Brief Statement, &c. (1846.)
A Statement of our Reasons for Maintaining our Separate Standing. (1888.)
Steps of Defection in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. (1913.)
Collections Edited by John Howie
Documents of Reformed Presbyterian History & Interest
The Declaration, Protestation, and Testimony ... Published against ... George ... 1715.
The Declaration, Protestation, and Testimony ... Published against ... George ... 1727.
An Essay on Church Communion and Defence of the Reformed Presbytery’s Terms of Communion, from Homesius Enervatus, by William James, 1772.
Reformation Principles Exhibited by the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America (RPCNA.)
Introduction & Appendix to the Auchensaugh Renovation by Thomas Henderson.
Remarks on a Letter... by Adam Brown, (Concerning the Auchensaugh Renovation) by John Dow.
Truth. A Sermon on Steadfast Adherence to the Distinctive Doctrines of the Church by Samuel Willson (RPCNA, Defence of Old-Light Position, 1833.)
Remonstrance, etc. A Testimony Against Compromising and Entangling Associations, etc. by William Gibson and others (RPCNA, 1838.)
Attachment to Zion: A Sermon on Psalm 137.5,6, by J.W. Shaw (RPCNA, 1852.)
The Testimony ... Respecting Military Associations with the Wicked and Profane: By William Milroy.
The Relation between Distinctive Principles and Personal Religion by John Lynd (RPCI, 1896.)
The Testimony (1980) of the RPCNA: Notes from an Examination Shared in the Hope of its Reparation by Jeremy T. Kerr, 2017.
Outline of the Act, Declaration, and Testimony first published in Scotland, 1761: by Jeremy T. Kerr, 2021.
Reformed Presbyterian Magazine Articles
See the Reformed Presbyterian Magazine Articles page for articles on Covenanter Distinctives, History, etc.