Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may
apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.—Phil 3.12
Covenants of Scotland
The First Covenant of Scotland. At Edinburgh, 1557.
The Second Covenant of Scotland. At Perth, 1559.
That National Covenant of Scotland, 1580, printed 1581.
That National Covenant of Scotland, 1580, renewed 1638.
Other National Covenants
The Protestation and Vow, or National Covenant of England, 1641.
International Covenants
The Solemn League & Covenant of Scotland, England, & Ireland.
Ecclesiastical Covenants
A Draft of a Covenant for the RPCNA, Published in Overture, 1848.
A Proposed Revision of the Solemn League and Covenant, 2018: With Introduction.
A Proposed Revision of the Solemn League and Covenant, 2018: With Parallel Comparison to 1643 Text.
Personal Covenants
The Personal Covenants of John Howie excerpted from his Memoirs, 1796.
A Personal Covenant of Anabel Umpherston excerpted from Passages in the Lives of Helen Alexander and James Currie, 1869.
A Personal Covenant of William McNeil excerpted from Passages in the Lives of Helen Alexander and James Currie, 1869.