For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.
—James 3.2

[The Second Covenant of Scotland.]
The Second Covenant of Scotland.
At Perth, 1559.
At Perth the last of May, the year of God 1559 years, the Congregations of the West Country, with the Congregations of Fyfe, Perth, Dundie, Angus, Mernes, and Monrosse, being convened in the Towne of Perth, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for setting forth of his glory, understanding nothing more necessary for the same, than to keep a constant amity, unity, and fellowship together, according as they are commanded by God, are confederate, and become bounden and obliged in the presence of God, to concur and assist together in doing all things required of God in his Scripture, that may be to his glory; And at their whole powers to destroy and put away all things that doth dishonour to his Name, so that God may be truly and purely worshipped. And in case that any trouble be intended against the said Congregation, or any part or member thereof, the whole Congregation shall concur, assist, and convene together, to the defence of the same Congregation or person troubled: And shall not spare Labours, Goods, Substance, Bodies and Lives, in maintaining the liberty of the whole Congregation, and every member thereof, against whatsoever person shall intend the said trouble for cause of Religion, or any other cause depending thereupon, or lay to their charge under pretence thereof, although it happen to be coloured with any other outward cause. In witnessing and testimony of the which, the whole Congregation aforesaid have ordained and appointed the Noble-men and persons under-written, to subscribe these Presents.
Sic subscribitur,
Arch Argyle,
James Steward,
R. Lord Boid, Lord Wchiltrie,
Matthew Campbell of Tarmganart.
[See Knox's History of the Reformation near the beginning of book 2 for historical information relating to the above covenant of 1559.]