For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the whole body.—James 3.2
Additions from 2008.
Additions from 2007.
Additions from 2006.
Additions from 2005.
Date | Author | Title |
2005.12.07 | Richard Rogers | Five Sermons about Ehud's Deliverance of Israel from Moab, on Judges 3.10 - 4.1. |
2005.11.17 | John Calvin | 4 Sermons on Isaiah 38, upon the Song that Hezekiah made after he had been sick, and afflicted by the hand of God, useful to instruct those who are under affliction in how they ought to call upon the Lord for deliverance, as well as to instruct those who have been delivered in how they ought to give glory to God so as to make his mercies to be remembered for all time to come. |
2005.09.27 | English Parliament | An Act against Sodomy during the Reign of King Edward VI., 1548. |
2005.09.21 | Scottish Parliament | The Entire Acts of Parliament for the First Parliament of James VI., 1567. |
2005.07.28 | John McAuley | The Duty of Separation |
2005.07.23 | J. F. Fulton | Difference Between the Reformed Presbytery and the So-Called Reformed Presbyterian Synod |
2005.07.16 | Original Covenanter | Essentials and Non-Essentials |
2005.05.21 | John Bugenhagen (Pomeranus) | A Letter to the Faithful Christian Congregation in England, 1536. |
2005.05.17 | Robert Baillie | A Scotch Antidote against the English Infection of Arminianism. |
2005.04.20 | Alexander Shields | Preface and Lecture preached at Distinckorn-Hill, 1688.04.15. On 1 Sam. 15.13-24. |
2005.04.13 | Synod of Zeeland | A Letter to the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, 1643. |
2005.03.21 | John Calvin | A Sermon on 1 Timothy 3:1-4, concerning the qualifications for Shepherds in the Church, wherein is discovered the difference between the Popish Clergy with their wicked Hierarchy, and the true Church of Jesus Christ with the faithful ministers thereof. |
2005.02.22 | John Calvin | A Sermon on 1 Timothy 2:13-15, concerning the true calling of women, the honourableness of housewifery before God, and the purity of God's ordinance of marriage; and likewise shewing the blasphemy and horrible sins into which those fall who despise this blessed vocation. |
2005.01.22 | James Fisher | The False Revivals of the Enemies of our Covenanted Reformation; Or, A Review, &c. |
2005.01.10 | John Calvin | A Sermon on 1 Timothy 2:1,2, concerning the Duty of Civil Rulers to Enforce and Defend the True Religion and True Godliness. |
Additions from 2004.
See also: Additions 1999-2003